Genghis Khan

  • May 30, 1162

    Genghis Khan's Birth

    Genghis Khan, was born as Temujin to Yetsugi, an aristocratic mongol, and Ho'elun, his stolen wife. Temujin was born holding a bloodclot, which meant he was going to be a great leader.
  • Jan 1, 1180

    Borte and Temujin Marriage

    At age 16, Temujin marries Borte, who he has been engaged to since he was nine years old. This cements his alliance to the Onggirats.
  • Jan 1, 1182

    Merkits Campaign

    Temujin, with the help of Toghril and Jamukha, raid the Merkits to rescue Borte, who they have captured. This is Temujin's first military success.
  • Jan 1, 1184

    Elected as Khan of Borjin

    Sometime between 1184 and 1189 Temujin is elected as the Khan of the Borgin. He is only 28 years old.
  • Jan 1, 1190

    Jamukha Conflict

    The rivalry between Jamukha and Temujin, who were once friends, finally boils over. Jamukha's and Temujin's armies meet, and Temujin is forced to retreat. However, Jamukha's especially cruel treatment of his prisoners ruins his reputation and many of his followers leave him.
  • Jan 1, 1196

    Jurkins Campaign

    In the winter of 1196 or 1197 Temujin conquered the Jurkins.
  • Jan 1, 1196

    Tatars Campaign

    Temujin and Toghril agree to help the Jin fight the rebellious Tatars. In return they got Jin titles, but were forced to pay tribute to the emperor. During the battle, the Borjin family (who were supposed to be fighting the Tatars) raided Temujin's camp. Consequently, Temujin had them beheaded.
  • Jan 1, 1199

    Attacking the Naimans

    Even though tensions between Temujin and Toghril were rising, they both lead an attack of the Naimans. Jamukha, under Toghril, convinces Toghrils tribe, the Kereyits, to abandon the battle at night, leaving the Mongols alone to fight the Naimans. The plan backfires, and Temujin has to save Toghril and his clan.
  • Jan 1, 1200

    Defeat of Tayichi'ut

    Toghril and Temujin attack and defeat the Tyichi'ut, reaffirming their alliance. Temujin spares the lives of Taichi'uts who are loyal to him or honest. During this battle he aquires Jebe, who was honest about killing Temujins horse, and later becomes a great general.
  • Jan 1, 1201

    Jamukha Elected as Khan

    The Tatars, Merekits, Naimans, and Tayichi'uts elect Jamukha to be Khan, hoping to stop Temujin's rise to power.
  • Apr 1, 1202

    Tatars Campaign

    The Tatars were a tribe that ruled the eastern steppe. Temujin defeated them, and killed the Tartar men and took the women and children to be slaves. Toghril did not help during this campaign.
  • Apr 1, 1203

    Temujin Assasination Plot

    Toghril made a plan to assassinate Temujin at a feast. Temujin heard of this, and fled while the Kereyits searched for him. While he was in hiding, he slowly aquired followers.
  • Sep 1, 1203

    Kereyit Campaign

    Temujin surprise attacked the Kereyits and seiged their camp. Toghril, and his son Sengum, try to escape but are both killed. Jamukha, who had been supporting Toghril, now ran behind the Naimans. The victory gave Temujin many good soliders.
  • May 1, 1204

    Naiman Campaign

    The Naimans, ruled by Gurbesu Khatan, were very against the Mongols. The Mongols fought the Naimans, and forced them to a cliff where they all died.
  • Jan 1, 1206

    Temujin Unifies the Steppe tribes

    Temujin finally rules the entire Mongolian plateau and the Orkhon river valley.
  • Jan 1, 1206

    Temujin Becomes Genghis Khan

    Near the Burkhan Khaldun (the sacred mountains), Temujin is elected khan of all the steppe people, and takes the name Genghis Khan. This name means he is "Khan of Khan" or "Great Khan."
  • Jan 1, 1206

    Jamukha's Defeat

    Jamukha is given to Temujin by some of Jamukha's followers. Both Jamukha and his followers were promptly executed.
  • Jan 1, 1207

    Securing Northern Front

    Genghis Khan secured the northern front of the mongol empire by capturing the forest tribes of Kirghiz and Baikal.
  • Jan 1, 1209

    Securing West Border

    Genghis Khan secures the mongol's west border by allying with the Uighur. Like most tribes who wanted to be the Mongol's allies, the Uighur gave lots of gifts to the Mongols, and even offered to be literate advisers.
  • Jan 1, 1209

    Xia Campaign

    The Tangut people, who lived under the Xia dynasty, were attacked by the Mongols and quickly defeated. Being inexperienced with seizing walled cities, the Mongols plan to take the city backfired. They were still able to negotiate with the emperor, who submitted to the mongols and gave them many supplies.
  • Jan 1, 1212

    Jin Campaign

    In 1210, the Mongols were still paying Jin tribute. Two years later, they captured many Jin cities, murdering and plundering as they went. Some conflicts in Jin court caused the Jin emperor to be kicked out, and the new emperor gave gold and precious goods to the mongols. The mongols retreated. The Jin dynasty eventually does fall in 1234.