Genghis Khan

  • 1156

    Civil War Ravages Japan

    Civil War Ravages Japan
    Within japan Civil Wars ravaged Japan all the way up to the year 1185. The beginning of this conflict was the short Hogen rebellion fought in order to resolve a dispute about Japanese Imperial succession. Many people say that "It is considered the beginning in a chain of events which would produce the first of three samurai-led governments in the history of Japan" (Wheeler, 11 january 2011). This is important since it is what built the foundations of Japan's modern government.
  • 1162


    Genghis khan was "originally named Temujin at birth" (Genghis Khan (Temujin) 1162 - 1227 Timeline.” Totally Timelines, 14 Mar. 2018). The reason that his birth is important is that he wouldn't be alive If it didn't happen
  • 1163

    Dissection of human bodies is discouraged

    Dissection of human bodies is discouraged
    The Dissection of human bodies a common practice with deceased people today was once thought to be evil and was made illegal. This was done when " The Council of Tours in 1163 led to the Church's formulation of a prohibition against human dissections in the hopes of curtailing the practice of dismembering and boiling the remains of Crusaders killed in battle before their shipment home" (Traeger, 1994). One of the explanations for this was that they thought the bodies would come back to life.
  • 1170

    Maimonides Writes The Mishneh torah

    Maimonides Writes The Mishneh torah
    The Mishneh Torah was a work consisting of 14 volumes that allowed a person who " mastered first the Written Torah and then the Mishneh Torah would be in no need of any other book" (Wheeler, 11 january 2011). This is important because it allowed people of the jewish faith to only read two books instead of many which in turn helped to make their lives easier.
  • 1171

    Goes to live with family of future wife Borte.

    Goes to live with family of future wife Borte.
    The father takes Temujin to live with the family of his future wife borte. Borte was the first wife of Temüjin (there were many). Borte was important because "After their marriage, Borte was kidnapped by another warring tribe and held captive for eight months before she was rescued by Temujin. She later gave birth to four sons, Jochi, Chagatai, Ogedei and Tolui " (Genghis Khan, 28 april 2017. The reason this is important is because her sons were given the legacy of their father.
  • 1171

    Father is poisoned by enemy tribe

    Father is poisoned by enemy tribe
    Yesugei temujin's father is poisoned by the enemy tribe. Followed by Temujin assuming leadership but the rest of the tribes do not respect him. This is seen when "Upon hearing of his father's death, Temujin returned home to claim his position as clan chief.However, the clan refused to recognize the young boy's leadership and ostracized his family of younger brothers and half-brothers to near-refugee status" (Genghis Khan, 28 april 2017). This is important since it shows temjin and his struggles.
  • 1171

    Kills Half Brother becomes head of family

    Kills Half Brother becomes head of family
    Genghis khan is determined to become powerful and in 1171 kills his half brother during a hunting dispute. According to, "The pressure on the family was great, and in a dispute over the spoils of a hunting expedition, Temujin quarreled with and killed his half-brother, Bekhter, confirming his position as head of the family" (Genghis Khan, 28 april 2017). This is important since it is his first step towards becoming the " Genghis Khan" we know today.
  • 1182

    Glass windows

    Glass windows
    In the year 1182 people found the if you take sand and heat it up to a very high temperature it forms a transparent material called glass. But first, " Glass windows started to appear in private english homes" (Genghis Khan (Temujin) 1162 - 1227 Timeline.” Totally Timelines, 14 Mar. 2018). Private english homes being things like mansions and manors, so at first glass was only obtainable by the wealthy. This is important because it marks the creation of something we use a lot on a daily basis.
  • 1206

    Declaration Of Power

    Declaration Of Power
    Genghis Khan declares himself the ruler of the mongolian empire. In the novel " Life In Genghis Khan's Mongolia" it says " He had no equal...and declared himself to be Genghis Khan-the great khan-with a divine mandate to rule the world" ( Robert, pg.11). The reason that this event is important is because it not only signified the beginning of his rule, but also the start of his grand empire.
  • 1209

    Conquest for China

    Conquest for China
    Genghis's first major battle is the one for control of china. Reason being is that he believed that having control over china would help in the expansion of land and power in his new Empire. In the book " Chinggis Khan and The Mongol Empire" it mentions that they conquer Si-sia, kins, and peking (Malcolm, pg.9). But that is only 3/4 of china, this reason this is important is because it allows his sons to come back later on and strike the last 1/4 when they are vulnerable.
  • 1215

    Magna Carta is created

    Magna Carta is created
    The magna carta was a document created in the year 1215 that essentially limited the power of the king.According to the"Peoples Chronology","it promised the protection of church rights,.... access to swift justice, and limitations on feudal payments to the Crown, to be implemented through a council of 25 barons"(Traeger 1994).This document/law is very important because one of the principles of modern democracy is that the leader can't be too powerful, and without it we might not have a democracy
  • 1220

    campaign to the middle east

    campaign to the middle east
    Genghis Khan moved towards the west with his campaign into the muslim world so that he could establish trade relations. In the book "Chingis Khan and the Mongol Empire" it says that after his conquest of china he turned his attention to the west (Malcolm, pg.10). The reason that this campaign was important is because it helped set up trade relations in the middle east which supplied Genghis's armies with a much needed supply of money.
  • 1221

    Khwarizm Dynasty

    Khwarizm Dynasty
    Genghis Khan personally executes a three pronged attack of 200,000 men on the Khwarizm Dynasty. They sweep through the cites like butter leaving behind immense death and destruction "he Mongols swept through every city's fortifications with unstoppable savagery.... No living thing was spared, including small domestic animals and livestock. Skulls of men, women, and children were piled in large, pyramidal mounds" (Genghis Khan, 28 april 2017). This is important because it's his last major battle.
  • 1226

    Legacy is Divided

    Legacy is Divided
    Genghis khan is nearing the end of his life and knows it. He also knows that someone has to control his vast and powerful empire, so he divides the empire up between his sons Ögedei Khan, Jochi, Tolui, and Chagatai Khan (“Genghis Khan (Temujin) 1162 - 1227 Timeline.” Totally Timelines, 14 Mar. 2018). This is important since it carried on the noble and power legacy of Genghis Khan who we would have known nothing about if it weren't for his sons.
  • 1227


    Genghis Khan's death is surrounded by mystery but we know that he died in the year 1227. His burial was arranged so that no one could ever find the body, they buried him in a riverbed killed anything and anyone that saw them on their way to bury him, and were sworn to secrecy never telling anyone in their life (Genghis Khan (Temujin) 1162 - 1227 Timeline.” Totally Timelines, 14 Mar. 2018). This is important since even with today's technology we still cannot find him, and that's saying something.
  • 1306

    Louis X banishes Jews from france

    Louis X banishes Jews from france
    King LouisX banished jews from france in the year 1306 the reason for this was increasing persecution against the jewish population."But persecution increased as the Middle Ages wore on,including multiple expulsions and returns.During French Revolution in the late 18th century,France was the first country in Europe to emancipate its Jewish population"According to(Timeline 1100-1200.”Confucius and Confucianism, 11 Jan. 2011).This is important since it shows that the root of hate towards the jews.