
Genghis Khan

  • 1162

    Genghis Khan is born

    Genghis Khan is born
    In the year 1162, Genghis Khan was born in Mongolia. Originally, Genghis was named Temujin, but that named change when he became emperor of Mongolia. Genghis was born with a blood clot in his right hand, which was a sign in Mongolian folklore that he was destined to become leader.(
  • 1171

    Yesukhei Khan

    Yesukhei Khan
    In 1171, Genghis's father, Yesukhei, was poisened and killed by a rival tribe named the Tatar. Genghis was then sent home to his tribe, but was ostracized by the clan and was forced to leave. This was important because this is what caused Genghis to develop the war like attitude he would need to be an emperor. (
  • 1178

    Genghis marries Borte

    Genghis marries Borte
    In 1178, Genghis marries Borte and cements an alliance with the Konkirat tribe. Soon after being married, she was captured by the Merkit tribe. Soon after, Genghis recued her. This was important because it formed an alliance with another tribe. (
  • 1182

    Genghis is captured

    Genghis is captured
    In the year 1182, Genghis Khan is kidnapped on a raid by the Taichi'uts and is enslaved. Genghis is forced to do hard labor labor until he is rescued. This is important because it shaped Genghis into a hard working warrior. (
  • 1182

    Genghis Khan is liberated

    Genghis Khan is liberated
    In the year 1182, due to a sympathetic captor, Genghis was able to escape and form a fighting force with his brothers and clansmen. Genghis then went on raids to other tribes and set out on his vision to unite Mongolia. This is important because it established Genghis Khan and his fighting force. (
  • 1193

    Philip Augustus is married.

    Philip Augustus is married.
    In 1193, Philip Agustus marries Ingeborg. Philip doesn't marry out of love, but marries for the money and political experience. Ingeborg was a Danish princess. This is important because it created political ties between the countries. (Alverson)
  • Jan 8, 1198

    Lothario of Segni is elected.

    Lothario of Segni is elected.
    On January 1, 1198, Lothario of Segni, also known as Innocent III, is voted pope of the Roman Catholic church. He was also elected as emperor of the Holy Roman Empire Lothario's voting was unanimous, but because people thought he was too young, he had to wait a couple years before taking his title. This si important because he gained more land for his empire. (Alverson)
  • Period: 1200 to 1202

    Genghis defeats his best friend

    In a war that lasted two years, Genghis defeated a confederation of Mongolian tribes. Leading this confederation was Jamuka, Genghis's old best friend. By defeating him, Genghis united the confederation under his rule. This is important because Genghis united more tribes, and defeated his rival. (Boyle)
  • 1203

    Genghis defeats Ong-Khan

    Genghis defeats Ong-Khan
    In 1203, Genghis beat his rival Ong-Khan after losing to him in a previous battle. Ong-Khan fled to the west and was killed by the Naimans. Genghis gained the people of Ong-Khan in his Mongolian Empire. This is important because Genghis Khan earned his reputation back. (Boyle)
  • 1203

    Fakhr Al-Din Al-Razi moves to Herat

    Fakhr Al-Din Al-Razi moves to Herat
    In 1203, Fakhr moves to Herat. He moves to Herat to claim his wealth and real estate that waits him there. When he gets there, he doesn't have as much real estate as he imagined. This is important because he makes a big impact on Herat. (Cannon)
  • 1204

    Naimans are defeated

    Naimans are defeated
    After many battles in 1204, Genghis Khan finally brought down the Naimans. The leader of the Naimans, Kuchlug, fled to another tribe named the Kara-Khitai. Genghis added many more people to his rapodly growing empire. This is important because Genghis Khan made atitle for himself, and he gained lots of land and people.(Boyle)
  • 1207

    Stephen Langton is consecrated

    Stephen Langton is consecrated
    In the year of 1207, Stephen Langton is consecrated Archbishop of Canterbury. Stephen Langton was also an English Cardinal. Steohen Langton almost wasn't consecrated if it weren't for Innocent III. This is important because he made big changes to England. (Alverson)
  • 1208

    Innocent III embarks knights

    Innocent III embarks knights
    In 1208, Innocent III sent knights on a crusade against the cathari. The knights were from northern France. Unfortunately, very few knights made it back. This is important because it showed how good of an emperor Innocent III was.(Alverson)
  • 1209

    Khwarezms are defeated

    Khwarezms are defeated
    In the year of 1209, Genghis Khan goes to war and defeats the Khwarezm tribe. The Khwarezm tribe consisted of modern day Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Afghanistan, and Iran. Genghis again expands his empire, which has grown tremendously since it first started. Genghis defeats the leader of the Khwarezm tribe in battle. This is important because Genghis expanded his empire, and gained more follow. (
  • 1209

    Otto IV is elected

    Otto IV is elected
    In the year of 1209, Otto IV is elected King of Germany. Later in the year, Otto IV is executed by Innocent III. He was executed for not restoring papal lands. This is important because it showed that Innocent III could manage his empire well. (Alverson)
  • Aug 18, 1227

    Genghis Khan is killed

    Genghis Khan is killed
    On August 18, 1227, Genghis Khan was thrown of his horse and suffered from many internal injuries. Genghis was on a raid to the Xi Xia Empire for not supporting the war effort against the Khwarezm tribe. (