Genghis khan throneportrait 1

Genghis Khan

By jco0723
  • Oct 21, 1155


    He was born in Mongolia and originally named "Temujin." Khan was named after a Tater chieftain in which his father had captured.
  • Oct 21, 1164

    Took position as clan chief

    Temujin's father was poisened and killed by a rival tribe, he was named chief of the clan. Many believed that he was too young for the throne, considering the fact that he was only 9. He ended up fighting with his half brother and killing him, to have full position of the throne, and head of the family.
  • Oct 22, 1171

    Married and had children

    He was married at 16, which was a normal age for his time. Temujin was also married and had many more children because of traditional Mongolian custom.
  • Oct 22, 1206

    Formed a large amry and took down many tribes

    Formed a large amry and took down many tribes
    Temujin formed a large army of 20,000 of men with outstanding military tactics and brutality. After they took over the Taich'ut tribe, they boiled the chiefs alive. A few years after, Temujin's army defeated one of the most powerful tribes, the Naiman tribe.
  • Oct 22, 1207

    Gets his title

    Shortly after, Temujin gets the title Genghis Khan. he recieved this title beacuse he was a "universal ruler", which is what it means. it was a symbol of religious and spiritual beliefs.
  • Oct 22, 1211

    Took over Jin Dynasty

    Took over Jin Dynasty
    in the year of 1211, Khan's mongolian army of 80,000 struck northern china, or, the Jin Dynasty. This gave them great wealth because of the many rice fields located in this part of China.
  • Oct 22, 1219

    "Pax Mongolica"

    "Pax Mongolica"
    Khan and his army became ruthless and killed every living thing in sight, not sparing anything or anyone. in 1219, his army executed 200,000 citizens. He also killed the leader of the Khwarizm Dynasty as well as his son, ending the entire dynasty.
  • Oct 22, 1227


    Genghis Khan died in 1227 at age 62 from an unknown cause. Some believe it may have been a disease, however, others may of though he fell off his horse and died.