Apr 7, 1162
Genghis Khan's Birth
Genghis Khan was born named Temujin. He was born in Mongolia. He was born with a blood clot in his hand which was a signt that he was destined to be s leader. -
Period: Apr 7, 1162 to Aug 18, 1227
Genghis Khan's Lifespan
Jul 29, 1171
Genghis Khan and his mother are abandoned by father's tribe
Genghis Khan takes over his father's role as chieftain of their tribe. But the tribe didn't want to be ruled by a young boy so Genghis Khan and his mother were forced to live in poverty. -
Oct 22, 1172
Genghis Khan kills his half brother
This was an important because this is when Genghis Khan got his reputation as a great warrior. -
Jan 19, 1206
His name is changed from Temujin to Genghis Khan of the Mongolian empire
He is named Genghis Khan, the ruler of the Turko-Mongol people. -
Sep 12, 1209
Genghis Khan begins his first foreign war
In his first war outside of Mongolia, he leads his army against the kingdom of Xi Xia in China. Genghis's army, far more organized that that of Xi Xia, wins easily. -
Oct 22, 1226
Genghis Khan begins his final orders of destruction on Xi Xia
At this point, he is aging and ill. He orders his army to remove any trace of Xi Xia. His army detroys towns and villages. -
Aug 18, 1227
Genghis Khan's death
Genghis Khan died in Mongolia. -
May 6, 1228
Genghis Khan storms across Central Asia
Genghis Khan seeks revenge on Muhammad's actions. He leads his army through Central Asia, attacking Samarkand and Bukhara.