Genetic timeline

  • Discovery'

    Natural selection Charles Darwin publishes his natural selection work
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    Heredity transmitted in units
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    Gregor Mendel discovers the basic principles of genetics
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    DNA is isolated Friedrich Miescher isolates DNA from cells calling them nuclei
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    The origin of species in Sweden
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    Friedrich Miescher publishes his paper identifying the existence of a‘nuclein’
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    Mitosis described Walter Flemming describes chromosome behavior during animal cell division
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    The term 'Eugenics' first used to identify the science of judicious making
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    Richard Altmann, German scientist, renames nuclein as nucleic acid
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    the discovery of DNA methylation
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    Discovery of DNA
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    Mendel’s discovery of the laws governing the inheritance of traits
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    Chromosomes were introduced after being discovered by Walter Sutton and Theodore Boveri
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    Nettie Stevens observes in beetles that all pairs of homologous chromosomes are the same size
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    British physician Archibald Garrod proposed the important idea that the human disease alkaptonuria, and certain other hereditary diseases
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    Thomas H. Morgan correlates the X chromosome with sex-linked inheritance of the white eye trait in Drosophila
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    Bateson discovered the science of genetic linkage. he also coined the term “epistasis” to describe the interaction between two different traits.
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    The work in Thomas Hunt Morgan’s lab firmly united the Mendelian and Early Cell Biology lines of inquiry
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    the basic principles of Mendelian genetics had been applied to a wide variety of organisms
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    Ronald Fisher published a classic paper, The correlation between relatives in the supposition of Mendelian inheritance.
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    Lysenkoism Started, during Lysenkoism they stated that the hereditary factor are not only in the nucleus
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    Frederick Griffith studied bacterial transformation and observed that DNA carries genes responsible for pathogenicity.
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    Alongside experimental work, mathematicians developed the statistical framework of population genetics.
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    Frederick Griffith showed that genes could be transferred. In what is now known as Griffith's experiment,
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    Crossing over is identified as the cause of recombination
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    Jean Brachet is able to show that DNA is found in chromosomes and that RNA is present in the cytoplasm of all cells.
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    Thomas Morgan received the Nobel prize for linkage mapping. His work elucidated the role played by the chromosome in heredity.
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    Edward Lawrie Tatum and George Wells Beadle show that genes code for proteins see the original central dogma of genetics
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    Luria–Delbrück experiment: this experiment showed that genetic mutations conferring resistance to bacteriophage arise in the absence of selection
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    The Avery–MacLeod–McCarty experiment isolates DNA as the genetic material
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    Oswald Avery identified DNA as the genetic material
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    Salvador Luria discovers reactivation of irradiated phage
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    Beadle and Tatum determined in Neurospora that each gene encodes one product
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    Genes Are Made of DNA
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    DNA Double
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    DNA copying enzyme
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    First Screen for Metabolic Defect in Newborns
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    Genetic Code Cracked
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    First recombinant DNA
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    First animal gene cloned
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    DNA Sequencing
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    First Transgenic Mice and Fruit Flies
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    GenBank Database Formed
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    PCR Invented
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    Launch of the Human Genome Project
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    ESTs, Fragments of Genes
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    Second-Generation Genetic Map of Human Genome
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    Human Genome Working Draft Completed
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    Mouse Genome Working Draft Assembled and Analyzed
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    Mouse Genome Working Draft Assembled and Analyzed
    The Mouse Genome Sequencing Consortium publishes an assembled draft and comparative analysis of the mouse genome.
  • Discovery

    Personalizing treatment. In truth, drugs don't work the same in you as they might in others. 23andMe came out with a Drug Response report that can tell customers how they will respond to medications,
  • Discovery

    the world's scientists have continued to develop their understanding of DNA. Researchers announced in May that they had successfully created an organism with an expanded artificial genetic code.