The Youth Movement of the 1960s
"The hippies celebrated the earth and the freedom to express their individuality and views on the world. The hippies tried to raise awareness of the beauty of the earth and the importance of keeping it beautiful. These hippies called themselves “Flower Children”. To escape from society," -
The 1960s Youth Movement
The Civil Rights Movement made children, teenagers, and young adults into a maelstrom of meetings, marches, violence, and in some cases, imprisonment and bad results. -
The Hippie Movement 1960-1970’s
The Hippie Movement was very influential on American politics, law and everyday life which ended in the 1970s. At this time it was where the youth started reflecting on social values and experimentation then became the new social norm. -
1970s and '80s Were a Period of Change in American Society.
By the middle 1970s, more young people decided it was good to make tons of money. Education was a way to get the skills to do this. Law schools and other schools had long lists of students waiting to get in. -
Youth Movements (1980)
Despite increasing conservatism overall, student striking revived around the issue of racial discrimination in South Africa. Students at campuses across the nation pitched tents and conducted other activities to draw attention to the cheap conditions under which most black South Africans were forced to live. -
Pop Culture of Youth in 1980s
In 1982, Michael Jackson’s Thriller is out, and hip-hop group Run D.M.C. is founded. Also, Madonna’s album which dropped in 1983. -
80s teen fashion
The 80s was the decade of working haute scrunchies, leathers and tutus like we’d never seen before. Many teens were inspired by big hair ‘dos and heavy make-up statements throughout the decade. -
Dramatic Rise in Teenage Smoking
A well-known explanation for the rise in youth smoking over the 1990s was a sharp decline in cigarette prices in the early 1990s, caused by a price war between the tobacco companies. Every 10% decline in price, youth smoking increases by almost 7%. A much stronger price sensitivity than what is usually found for adult smokers. -
Decade of a New Generation
There was many threat of AIDS, the number of sexually active teens has increased dramatically in the past 10 yeas. “According to Newsweek magazine, by March of 1990, the Centers for Disease Control had counted 1,429 cases of AIDS among teenagers, which is fewer than one percent of all AIDS cases.” "The 1990s: Decade of a New Generation." . N.p., n.d. Web. 06 June 2018. -
How the pain of 9/11 still stays with a generation
Despite the amount of studies that have followed kids over the time of many years, no studies have comprehensively examined the long-term impact of 9/11 on children’s development and adjustment. Which is because it is difficult to compare American children who lived through 9/11 with those who did not, since almost every American child was exposed to images of 9/11 at some point in time. -
The Impact of the War on Iraq’s Youth
According to Captain Jonathan Powers, “Researchers estimate that out of 26 million people, 61% are under the age of 24, 50% are under 18, and 40% are under 14 years old. Another study found that under Saddam Hussein nearly 4% of Iraqi children under five were going hungry, but in 2006 that figure doubled to 8%. In terms of education and opportunity, over 3.4 million young people in Iraq today do not attend school." -
Teenagers behavior
As you already know how teenagers are; moody and angsty. That stage of life is loaded with drama and intense feelings. But meanwhile anxiety and sadness aren’t new phenomena throughout teenagers, there’s been a significant increase in the percentage of young people aged 12-20 who have reported having a major depressive episode (MDE). -
'The youngest flexer of the century,' nine-year-old Lil Tay, has abruptly vanished from the internet
This 9 year old is best known for showing off a bunch of cash, insulting her viewers because they have less money than she does. Lil Tay shouts at the camera saying, "Y'all don't have that view," And “I be holding your mama's rent!" (This shows how kids/teenagers are and what they look for.)