Hiring generation z e1536931806839

Generation Z

  • USB Flash Drive

    USB Flash Drive
    In 2000, IBM and Trek technology had created the USB flash drive. it makes our lives easier, as it helps save and download information and take anywhere we want it.
  • iTunes

    In 2001, Apple released iTunes, a website where you could buy songs to listen to and keep them to add to your playlist. This has definitely impacted technology, as it saves time and money from people buying mp3 players or CD players when they could purchase a song have it for as long as they want.
  • iPhone

    In 2007, Apple released the iPhone. The iPhone has been one of the top products Apple has ever made. Tell me a place in the world where you don't see at least one person without an iPhone? You can't the iPhone changed technology and society as well.
  • iPad

    In 2011, Apple released the iPad which is still cool just letting you know. The iPad is like a little mini computer and a phone that you can take anywhere with you. Personally the iPad is a astonishing piece of technology and very helpful to have.
  • Apple Watch

    Apple Watch
    In 2015, Apple released something very classy, the apple watch. The apple watch is very nice as it gives you a sense of style. So when you don't have your phone on you and need something quick and fast to communicate with, the apple watch can be your best friend.