Generation Y

By nparbs
  • Economy Rescued

    US rescues Mexico's economy with $20-billion aid program
  • Clinton for President

    Bill Clinton beats Bob Dole in the 1996 election
  • Deadly Earthquake In Turkey

    7.4 magnitude earthqauke in turkey kills nearly 20,000 people
  • Attack on the World Trade Center

    Terrorist Attack the US with hijacked planes on 9/11.
  • The First Ipod

    Apple Releases there first line of portable mediaplayers.
  • US Invades Iraq

    US Invades Iraq
    The war in Iraq begins
  • Same Sex Marraige

    California legalizes same sex marraige.
  • Saddam Hussein dead

    Saddam Hussein is hung in Iraq
  • Iphone!

    The first Apple Iphone goes on sale.
  • First Black President

    Barack Obama becomes the first black president in the united states.