Eckert and Mauchly compketed the first commercial computer in the USA- The first Universal Autoimactic Computer (UNIVAC). It was the first computer for buisiness and the softwware used was called short code. -
Period: to
1st Generation
Vaccum tubes wereused for first generation computers for heat and burnout. It also had magnetic core Memory and storage. These computers were big and clumsy, elcetricity comsumption is high, electric faliure occured regularly, not very reliable, large air conditioning units were used because the comuters generated a large ammount of heat and also used Batch proccesing. -
Semi Automatic Ground Environment was developed
IBM built the SAGE. This computer used 50,000 vacuum tubes and weighed 250 ton taking up an acre of floor space. -
John Von Neumann designed a control unit that could calculate and output mathematical problems and the memory could accually be read. -
IBM 701 & Whirlwind digital
The IBM 701 and the Whirlwind digital computers came out. -
Removable disk pack was made. -
Programing languages
FORTRAN was made. -
Programing languages
COBOL was made. -
Period: to
2nd Generation
These computers had a transitor that was smaller, had no warm up time, took less energy, generated less heat, were faster and more reliable. Had improved storage that comsisted of a removable disk pack, and magnetic tape. Also had Programing Lanuages that consisted of Assembly language, FORTRAN, and COBOL. -
The mini computer came out. (PDP-8) -
Real time reservation came out and also the System 360, both by IBM. -
The BASIC programing system came out. -
Keyboards monitors and operating systems
Instead of punched cards or printouts, users interacted with third generation computers through keyboards and monitors and interfaced with an opertaing system, which allowed the device to run many different applications at one time with a central program that monitored the memory. Computers for the first time became accessible to a mass audience because thay were smaller and cheaper than their predecessors. Jack Kibly invented this. -
Period: to
3rd Generation
Semiconductors drastically increased the speed if computers. Silicon is the second most abundant element in the earths crust. CPU chips contain processing units. Memory chips contian blank memory.
Computers consist of many chips placed on electronis boards called printed circut boards. Chips are composed if semiconductors that make it possible to miniaturize electronice components, such as transitors. -
Three basic characteristics differenciate microproccessors
Instruction set: The set of instructions that the microprocessor can execute. Bandwidth: The number of bits processed in a single instruction. Clock Speed: Given in megahertz (MHz), the clock speed determines how many instructions per second the processor can execute. -
Period: to
4th Generation
The microprosscer is what made the fourth generation. It has thousands of integrated circuts we rebuilt onto a siilcon chip. A silicon chip that contains a CPU. In the world of personal computers, the terms microprocessor and CPU are used interchangeably. At the heart of all personal computers and most workstations sits a microprocessor. Microprocessors also control the logic of almost all digital devices, from clock radios to fuel-injection systems for automobiles. -
In 1981 IBM introduced its first computer for the home user. -
in 1984 Apple introduced the Macintosh. Microprocessors also moved out of the realm of desktop computers and into many areas of life as more and more everyday products began to use microprocessors. -
Game playing
No longer a person playing alone on their computer. Computers play along, and possibly win. -
- Neural networks
tires to reprodouce thought and physical conections of human or animals brain. One of the hotest aresa of fifth generation computing some give computers human like brains that can understand a wide variety of laguages -
- Natural language
Holy grail of artificial intelligence computers can hear words and make it in to text but does not understand them liminted to the tone of one voice cant determine soft spoken to an angry voice -
- Expert systems
can store more than the human brain black and white robotic the artificial intelligence makers hope they will be better at decision making then humans -
- Robotics
most popular area of artificial intelligence goal is to create robots that can expierince and react like human coutnterparts. -
Period: to
5th Generation
used in parallel processing
speech recognition
intelligent robots
Artificial intelligence (allows computer to learn)
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