
Generation of computers (WORD1st hour group 1)

  • Period: to

    1st Generation

    Features of the first generation are Use of vacuum tubes, Big Machine Language, Magnetic core memory and storage like tap and punched cards.
  • magnetic drum

    magnetic drum
    They were used for a primary storage device. They ca also hold up to 200 tracks.
  • Big Machine Language

    Big Machine Language
    had instructions and variables and had names and not just numbers.
  • Vacuum Tubes

    Vacuum Tubes
    the first computer was a vacuum tube for ciccuity and maagntic drums.
  • Electronic Discreet Variable Computer

    Electronic Discreet Variable Computer
    Had a central controp unit which would caculate and output all the math and logical stuff and it would memoize it and be written.
  • Whirlwind

    A large Scale with general purpose ditagtal computer begun at the Servomechanisms Lboratory of the Masschusetts Institude of Techology.
  • Cobol

    its name means COmmon Business-Oriented Languages also one of the oldest laguages
  • Period: to

    second Generation

    Was used by primarily by business and university, goverment.
  • Mini -Computer: PDP-8

    Mini -Computer: PDP-8
    Digital introduces to the first successful minicomputerPDP-8. It was really big about the size of a fridge and it used like transistors and magntic core memory.
  • IBM's System 360

    IBM's System 360
    It has 6 procssors and 40 peripheral units it has more than 100 computers per monthe ordered in.
  • Real-time reservation system

    Real-time reservation system
    It was devloped by IBM it made a real time computer system to get tickets reservaton system for americn Airways
  • BASIC (programming language)

    BASIC (programming language)
    a programming language that was necessity to understand and it could be used in time-sharing environment and was a training languge.
  • Gordon moore

    Gordon moore
    He was a semi conductor pioneer that presicted that the number of transistors that occurred on a microchp woukld doubble every year.
  • Period: to

    third Generation

    made smaller computer and made them faster. also High-level languages appeared
  • Integrated cicruits

    Integrated cicruits
    they are like microchips
  • Intel

    It stand for INTegrate ELectronics
  • Magnetic Core Memory

    Magnetic Core Memory
    It was the first 256 bit Ram mirochip and later it became the first 1Kb ram chip.
  • IBM system/370

    IBM system/370
    This sytem replaced the system/360
  • Microprocessor

    Intel developed this first and they called it the 4004 and it got consisted of 2-250
  • Pascal

    it was a early programming languages and Niklaus Wirth created it
  • Period: to

    fourth generation

    Made mirocprocesser and explosive growth is digital watches and more
  • MARK-8

    8008 processor
  • Motorola's processor

    Motorola's processor
    It was a developed processor and could peform all the funtions 8080
  • Altair

    Popular mechianics that were published
  • Period: to

    Fifth Generation

    Made robots and touchscreen computers and more modern day computers.
  • Ipod

    played music and games and u could upload picture to it.
  • Nintendo DS

    you by games that go in it and play them it had a lot to do u could chat and draw.
  • iphone

    It called and texted people played music. It was calle da smart phone
  • Imac computer

    was by apple u could do more than a normal computer
  • Ipad

    was a apple productd and was bigger than the ohones had music and apps