General Mills was Incorporated
The Washburns got into the business themselves
They built an even bigger factory
The mill entered a partnership with John Crosby
The "A" mill was destroyed in a flour dust explosion
Wasburn-Crosby flour brands won gold, silver and bronze medals
The company stepped in to take over a failing Twin Cities radio station
General Mills was Founded
General Mills products contained box top coupons
General Mills engineer, Thomas R. James, creates the puffing gun
Kix cereal was created
General Mills engineer Helmer Anderson creates the Anderson sealer
Cheerioats (known today as Cheerios) was created
General Mills became the sponsor of the popular radio show The Lone Ranger
Sugar Jets were created
General Mills creates the tear-strip for easily opening packages
Hi-Pro were created
General Mills sponsored the Rocky and His Friends television series
Frosty O's was created
Twinkles were created
Country Corn Flakes were created
long-term sponsorship came to an end from The Lone Ranger radio station
General Mills took into the toy industry
Banana Wackies / Wackies
Wheat Stax were created
Clackers was created
Kaboom was introduced
General Mills acquired a restaurant company called Red Lobster
General Mills came out with their "Monster Cereals"
Baron Von Redberry and Sir Grapefellow
Jets were created
Fruit Brute was introduced
Body Buddies was Created
General Mills acquired the California-based Good Earth health food restaurant chain
Crispy Wheats 'n Raisins were created
Powdered Donutz were created
General Mills Restaurants founded a new Italian-themed restaurant chain called Olive Garden.
Chocolate Flavor Donutz was created
E.T. Cereal were created
General Mills' toy division was separated from its parent as Kenner Parker Toys, Inc
General Mills went to court as the parent company of Parker Brothers
Clusters were created
Became joint venture with Nestlé
Triples were created
China Coast, was added before the entire group was spun off to General Mills shareholders
Boxtops redeemed by schools for cash
USA Olympic Crunch were created
The company purchased Pillsbury
Star Wars Episode II were created
General Mills has been producing more products targeted to the growing ranks of health-conscious consumers
The coupons and the catalog were discontinued by the company
79 facilities for the production of a wide variety of food products were in operation
General Mills announced that it will switch all 1 million eggs it uses each year to cage-free
General Mills was ranked #181 on the 2012 Fortune 500 list of America's largest corporations
the company's vice-president for diversity stated that General Mills opposes a Minnesota amendment banning gay marriage
The company announced that it had changed its legal terms on its website to introduce an arbitration clause requiring all disputes with General Mills to be resolved in small claims court or arbitration and not as a participant in a class action
The company announced in September 2014 that it would acquire organic food producer Annie’s Inc.
General Mills has purchased Annie's Homegrown
General Mills announced plans to cut 700 to 800 jobs
Citing climate change, General Mills promised to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions by 28 percent over 10 years