gcse migration

  • 790

    Vikings Invade England

    Led by Guthrum the Vikings invade England
  • 876

    Vikings Invade Wessex

    After conquering Northrumbia, East Angleia & Mercia
  • 876

    Alfred The Great Defeats The Vikings

    Alfred The Great defeats the Vikings and makes Guthrum turn catholic & no invasions
  • 878

    Battle of Edington

    Alfred The Great Won the Battle of Edington & Vikings agreed to live in peace
  • 959

    Edgar the Peacful becomes King

    During his rule the country became quiet and pleasant. He was nicknamed 'Edgar The Peacful'
  • 972

    Athelstan conquers Northumbria

  • 975

    Edgar dies and Edward becomes king

  • 978

    Edward dies mysteriously

    At the age of 12 Edward was murdered. Some people felt Aethelred played a part in this.
  • 978

    Aethelred becomes king

    After his brothers death Aethelred becomes King, advisers were put in but they were corrupt
  • 978

    Vikings Return

    Vikings launch a series of attacks
  • 991

    Sweyn invades & Athelred pays danegeld

    Sweyn beats the English, him and Athelred made a deal that Athelred would pay Danegeld (money) to keep him out
  • 1002

    St Brices day massacre

    Athelred orders everyone south of the Danelaw to be killed.
  • 1013

    Forkbeard Attacks volume 2

    Forkbeard attacks in vengeance of his sister who was killed in the massacre.
  • 1014

    Sweyn dies & his son Cnute becomes King

  • 1015

    Athelred comes back & beats Canut

    Athelred becomes king but Cnut supporters weren't happy
  • 1016

    Athelred dies & Edmund becomes King

    Cnut isn't happy and tries to get the throne
  • 1016

    Battle of Assandun in Essex

    Cnut wins the battle, the two men agree Edmund would run Wessex & Cnut will run the rest of the country
  • 1016

    Edmund dies & Cnut becomes King of England

  • 1035

    Harold dies & Harthacnut becomes king

    Harthacnut was hated
  • 1036

    Cnut Dies & Harold becomes King

    Harold was hated
  • 1042

    Harthacnut dies & Edward becomes King

    Edward was religious and loved
  • 1066

    Battle for the crown

    When Edwards died there was no heir to the throne which made a competition between Harold Hardrada, Harold Godwinson, William of Normandy
  • 1066

    William of Normandy becomes King

    After lots of fighting William finally becomes King
  • 1106

    Normandy & England become united under Henry's reign

    After Normandy was split from England by Henry's two older siblings Henry unites the two countries
  • 1106

    Henry dies & Matilda becomes Queen

    she was challenged by her cousin Stephen for the throne which lked to a civil war known as 'the anarchy'
  • 1154

    Henry becomes King

    Matilda married Geoffrey count of Anjou who conquered Normandy she lets Stephen be king of England in return he names her son (henry) his successor
  • 1199

    King John bcomes king

  • 1204

    Battle of Normandy

    John lost this battle and got named 'John Softsword' and 'the stay at home King'
  • 1204

    John lost a lot of Britains empire

    after being defeated in Brittany John lost places like Normandy, Anjou, Maine and other key areas
  • 1215

    Magna Carta signed

    After taxing highly and losing lots of Britain's power & wealth the barons forced him to sign a charter called the Magna Carta which limited his power
  • 1217

    Prince Louis of France was invited by the barons to take Johns place

    Louis captured London quickly
  • 1217

    John died & Henry iii became king

    the hated king was dead and England led by William Marshall (the regent) started kicking out the French
  • 1337

    King Edward claims French Throne

    he was closely linked to the French, he though he had a better claim to throne then Philip vi
  • 1346

    Battle of Crecy

    Edward won due to longbows which could be reloaded quicker & fire much futher
  • 1415

    Battle of Agincourt

    Henry marched his troops to France, north Calais, where he was met by 30000 French he had 11000 exhausted English soldiers he defeated Normandy and married the daughter of the French King
  • 1420

    Treaty of Troyes

    Henry named heir to French throne
  • 1422

    Henry dies of dysentry

    Joan of Arc said the voices of the saints told her to free France, she was burned to death
  • 1423

    France started to rebel

  • 1450

    African Slave Trade Started

  • 1500

    People start to move to America

  • 1500

    virgina established

    named after the queen Elizabeth, people couldn't farm so on the first attempt it failed, but on the 2nd attempt they learnt from nice Native American tribes, high profits came from Tabaco and soon lots of people moved to America
  • 1500

    Hugenot migration

    tried to escape religious persecution in France
  • EIC made (East India Company)

    monopoly trade
  • Massachusetts

    a ship called the mayflower left and made a colony called 'new Portsmouth', made living from fishing, set up democratic constitution=pilgrim fathers (seen as first 'real' Americans
  • The navigation acts

    Britain restricted the amount and what type of goods traded and mad the Americans trade only with Britain
  • African Slave trade petition

  • Highland Clearences

    England caused famine to try and reduce the highlanders power after them supporting the stuart bloodline
  • Robert Clive Defeats Indian Army

    Robert Clive defeats the Indian army of 40,000 which the EIC took over Bengal one of the richest parts of India
  • stamp act

    Taxes got really high in particular paper, all paper was taxed High and stamped to symbolise this
  • Henry conquers Irleland

  • Boston Tea Party

    Fed up of the British and their insanely high taxes they dumped £11,000 worth of tea in the sea, in revenge Britain banned all town meetings and close ports
  • Government of India Act

    stated that both the British Government & the EIC had control the territory of India jointly
  • Colonies became independent

    After Britain not pay9ing much attention to the colonies they became more independent and started growing tired of being part of the British empire and obey their rules instead of their own
  • slave trade abolished

  • Slave ownership banned

  • India is controlled by the British

  • Indian rebellion

    The English brought out a new gun with gun cartridges that were coated in animal fat & the only way to use it was to put the cartridge in their mouth due to religion they refused & got jailed for 10 years
  • Indian rebellion spreads

    rest of the country started to rebel with the seypoys in support, the English brutally killed them (hanging them in pigskins)
  • Indian peace declared

    things got better Indians were put in government & less interference in religious matters from the English