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Gay Rights

  • Gay Rights

    Gay Rights
    The first official reporting of what will become known as the AIDS epidemic.
  • AIDS Clinic

    AIDS Clinic
    first American AIDS clinic is established in San Francisco.
  • congressional hearings

    congressional hearings
    he first congressional hearings on HIV/AIDS.
  • Congress

    U.S. allocates $5 million to CDC for surveillance and $10 million to the National Institutes of Health (NIH) for AIDS research.

    CDC uses the term “AIDS” (acquired immune deficiency syndrome) for the first time

    CDC reports a case of AIDS in an infant who received blood transfusions.
  • Aids

    By year-end, there is a cumulative total of 270 reported cases of severe immune deficiency among gay men, and 121 of those individuals have died.
  • AIDS Female

    AIDS Female
    CDC reports cases of AIDS in female sexual partners of males with AIDS.
  • AIDS Ward

    AIDS Ward
    San Francisco General Hospital opens the first dedicated AIDS ward in the U.S. It is fully occupied within days
  • Bathhouses closed

    Bathhouses closed
    bathhouses closed due to high-risk sexual activity occurring in these venues. New York and Los Angeles follow suit within the year.

    International Committee on the Taxonomy of Viruses declares that the virus that causes AIDS
  • First Presidental Commissiom on HIV

    Reagan makes his first public speech about AIDS and establishes a Presidential Commission on HIV.
  • World Aids Day

    World AIDS Day.
  • National Commission on AIDS

    National Commission on AIDS. The Commission meets for the first time
  • 100,000 Cases in U.S

    The number of reported AIDS cases in the United States reaches 100,000.
  • Opinion

    I think that Gay Rights should be legal in all states and Aids should be stopped one way or another