Period: to
First Revolt
The main coasue of this revolt was the british in Bengal. The revolt started by soilders that worked in the East Indian Company and later spread to other indians. Diffrent religions came together to fight the brithish explotaition. The British did things like forcing there religion into the indians soilders were also unemployed. -
Period: to
Gandhi and Dr. Allison
Ghandi meets doctor Richard Allison -
Period: to
Religions Unite
On 1885 Muslims and Huindus join to gain independede from the British Party and Congreses where created on 1885 Karamchand Ghandhi also died -
Death of Karamchand Ghandhi
Ghandhi's Father dies he was born on 1822 and was a chief minister -
Period: to
Ghandhi struggles with Brahmacharya
Ghandhi Ends his sexual activety -
Infleunza Epedemic
An epedemic kills 5 million Indians -
Period: to
Amristar is created
Amristar is created A mob murderes 5 europenas and trie to murder english -
Period: to
Turkey and Greece
Turkey wants to invade Greece -
Congress party
Congress Part supports Ghadhis non viloen civil Disobedience -
Civil Disobiedience
Ghandhi tells Indians to stop coperating to get British out. -
Decleration of independence
Ghandhi puplishes Declaration of independence -
Salt March
Ghandhi encoraged Indians to get there own salt. A 240 mile journey picking sand at the beach. -
First step towards independence
Goverment passes British parlement, -
Lord Mountbatten
Lord Mountbatten makes agreement for independence -
Indian Independence
Independence becomes officail aswell as partion between India and Pakistan -
Death of Ghandhi
Ghandi is killed by another hindu Nathuram Vinayuk Godse shot on a crowd -
India Chaos and kilings
India becomes chaotic killings betwwen hindus and muslims start people flle to the borders.