Gandhi timeline

  • British Laws Limiting press and rights

  • General Reginald Dyer Banned Public gathering

  • Amritsar Massacre

    10,000 Indians gathered in Amritsar
    dyer ordered troops to fire (379 dead) (1,100 wounded)
  • Mohandas gandhi becomes leader of INC

  • Gandhi joined the independent movement

  • the campaign of ciivil Disobedience

  • Muhammad Ali Jinnah work with Gandhi

  • Indians not allowed to make salt

  • salt march

    protest British tax on salt
    200 mile march to coast to make salt
    50,000 Indians participated
  • Indians National congress form quit india

  • Indians did not support British during ww2

  • widespread rioting

  • India was finally granted independence by British

  • Gandhi was featured on the cover of time magazine

  • Gandhi was shot and killed

    he was shot because of the rioting