Gandhi's Life

By vsingh
  • Gandhi Birth

    Gandhi Birth
    This is when Gandhi was born in Portbandar, India.
  • Gandhi Goes to England

    Gandhi Goes to England
    Gandhi went to England to pass the BAR exam and study law.
  • Gandhi Passes Bar Exam

    Gandhi Passes Bar Exam
    Gandhi Passes the BAR exam and officially becomes certified to practice law.
  • Gandhi Arrives in South Africa

    Gandhi Arrives in South Africa
    Gandhi went to South Africa in hopes of joining a law firm. He arrived in Durban and eventually arrived in Petoria.
  • Gandhi's First Act of Civil Disobedience

    Gandhi's First Act of Civil Disobedience
    Gandhi was kicked off of a train when he refused to give his first class seat to a rich white man. He later said that he was forced to sit the raining and cold platform of the train station. The next day, he protested and earned his seat back. This was the first peaceful protest that Gandhi ever engaged in.
  • Indian Natal Congress is Founded

    Indian Natal Congress is Founded
    Gandhi sees racism in South Africa and starts the Indian Natal Congress. They were the Indian community in South Africa and they stood up to racism.
  • Gandhi Leaves South Africa

    Gandhi Leaves South Africa
    Gandhi goes back to India for the last time. He is proclaimed a hero at home.
  • Gandhi's First Fast

    Gandhi's First Fast
    Gandhi fasts for the first time to protest law.
  • Gandhi Is Dead in India

    Gandhi Is Dead in India
    Gandhi is assassinated by Nathuram Vinayuk Godse. A man that believed that Gandhi was too soft on Pakistan. His famous last words were, "Hey Ram." Meaning, "Oh God."
  • Apartheid in South Africa Finally Ends

    Apartheid in South Africa Finally Ends
    Apartheid in South Africa comes to an end with the help of Gandhi and Nelson Mandela.