Gandhi's Birth
Gandhi was born in Porbandor India, his father was a village leader and gandhi's life was very influenced by his teachings. -
Period: to
Gandhi's Sliver of existence in time.
Birth to Death. -
Child Marriage
Gandhi was placed into an arranged marriage at the age of 14. -
Fathers Death
Gandhi's father had a huge influence on his life, he is who sought his need to study in school and to be the human rights hero he is today. -
Studying in England
Gandhi travelled to an England University in his early 20's to study law for he wished to become a lawyer back in india. -
Return to India
Gandhi returned to india expecting to be a lawyer but his first day in court went horrible as he was to afraid to speak in public view, this led him down a long path of gaining courage. -
Sailing to South Africa
gandhi was sent to settle a case for a firm in SA, He became subject to color discrimination which led Gandhi to fight for human rights. -
Indias long journey to independance.
Gandhi in this year created the first independance declaration and also co-founded the Natal Indian Congress which fought for indian independance. -
Militant Movement
Gandhi organized and Indian ambulance corps which healed both sides of the Boer war between the Brits and Indian militants. -
Gandhi sailed back to india from South Africa to bring family out of unstable India to the United Kingdom where they are safe and treated eaqually. -
Return to South Africa
The indian community requested Gandhi return to keep fighting to end segregation and to lead protests. -
Prison #1
Sentenced to 2 months in an indian prison for peaceful protests, Indian extremists nearly kill Gandhi this year, and many indians burn passports to end british rule. -
Prison time #2
sentenced to another 3 months for protesting in Bombay. -
To England!
Sailed to present indian independance in parlement. -
True Beggining of Campaign for indian Independance
Lead a strike for mill workers in Ahmedabad. -
At a public meeting in Amritsar 1000+ Sikhs are massacred (india has created a national memorial day) -
Elected President of all of india. -
Prison #3
Sentenced to 6 years imprisonment for Sedition. -
Broke salt act by picking up a handful of salt in Dandhi, Hundreds of thousands arrested -
Gandhi Is assasinated at a prayer meeting in Birla House by Naturam Godse, a hindu extremist.