Birth of Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi -
Gandhi and Kasturbai are married -
Gandhi leaves for England to study law. -
Passes test
Gandhi passes the bar exam in England. -
The Boer Republic Transvaal, now under the control of the British, attempts to register all Indians as members; Gandhi and others refuse to register. Their resistance efforts mark the first use of nonviolent non-cooperation by the Indian minority in South Africa, soon calledsatyagraha, or "soul-force." -
Gandhi is arrested and sentenced to two months in prison. -
·Gandhi is arrested again, spends a month in jail. -
Indians in Natal and Transvaal, under Gandhi's leadership, march peacefully in protest of a racist poll tax and marriage laws. The marches continue through the winter -
Gandhi and Smuts, the Prime Minister of the Transvaal, reach an agreement, ending the protests. -
Gandhi and his followers found the Sabarmati ashram, the religiously-oriented communal farm where Gandhi, his family, and his followers will live. -
Gandhi publishes the Declaration of Independence of India. -
Gandhi formed the Natal Indian Congress in 1894 to fight discrimination. At the end of his year-long contract, he prepared to return to India until he learned at his farewell party of a bill before the Natal Legislative Assembly that would deprive Indians of the right to vote. Fellow immigrants convinced Gandhi to stay and lead the fight against the legislation. Although Gandhi could not prevent the law’s passage, he drew international attention to the injustice. -
salt laws
Gandhi warns the Viceroy of his intention to break the Salt Laws. -
independce of india
Indian independence becomes official, as does the partition into two countries, India and Pakistan.