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  • When was Gandhi born, and his parents.

    When was Gandhi born, and his parents.
    Gandhi was born 1869 in Porbandar, India. His mon and dad were Putlibai Gandhi, and Karamchand Gandhi
  • Gandhi’s schooling

    Gandhi’s schooling
    Gandhi went to school at UCL Faculty Of Laws from 1888-1891
  • Shen Gandhi moved to South Africa

    Shen Gandhi moved to South Africa
    Gandhi moved to South Africa in 1893 to practice law under a one year contract. Settling in Natal, he was subjected to racism and South African laws that restricted the rights of Indian laborers
  • The protest in 1906

    The protest in 1906
    In 1906, the Transvaal government sought to further restrict the rights of Indians, and Gandhi organized his first campaign of satyagraha, or mass civil disobedience. After seven years of protest, he negotiated a compromise agreement with the South African
  • Gandhi’s arrest

    Gandhi’s arrest
    On March 10, 1922, Gandhi was arrested on charges of sedition by British officials in Bombay. He was sentenced to six years in prison for his involvement in protesting the British colonial government in India.
  • Seawater protest

    Seawater protest
    On March 12, 1930, Indian independence leader Gandhi begins a defiant march to the sea in protest of the British monopoly on salt, his boldest act of civil disobedience yet against British rule in India. Gandhi and his supporters were to defy British policy by making salt from seawater.
  • How did Gandhi do the fasting in 1932

    How did Gandhi do the fasting in 1932
    Before going on one, he would have lemon juice and honey with warm water. He would keep drinking water, occasionally with salt or lemon juice, through the day, no matter how nauseous or weak he felt. To minimise the loss of energy, he would sleep more than usual.
  • Gandhi’s hunger strike in jail.

    Gandhi’s hunger strike in jail.
    On September 16, 1932, in his cell at Yerwada Jail in Pune, Gandhi begins a hunger strike in protest of the British government’s decision to separate India’s electoral system by caste.
  • Just before Gandhi’s assassination

    Just before Gandhi’s assassination
    Hindu extremist angry at Gandhi, a fellow Hindu, for advocating unity between India's Hindus and Muslims. Just 10 days before his assassination, a Hindu refugee from Pakistan named Madanlal Pahwa set off a bomb at one of Gandhi's prayer meetings.
  • Gandhis death

    Gandhis death
    His death came less than a year after India gained its independence. Mohandas Gandhi was on his way to his daily prayer meeting in New Delhi when an assassin shot him on January 30, 1948.