The Acts of Gandhi

  • South Africa

    South Africa
    Gandhi came to south Afica on June 7th, 1893.
  • Gandhi stays in Africa

    Gandhi stays in Africa
    In the spring of 1894 Gandhi elected to stay in South Africa, and during this time he founds the Natal Indian Congress.
  • Outbreak

    Outbreak of Boer War in South Africa. Gandhi organizes an ambulance corps for the British.
  • The gathering

    The gathering
    Indians and Africans gathered support for the noncooperation in temples, mosques, and churches. Initially known as the ‘Passive Resistance Campaign.
  • Gandhi Doesn't register

    Gandhi Doesn't register
    The Boer Republic Transvaal, attempts to register all Indians as members; Gandhi and others refuse to register. Their resistance efforts mark the first use of non-cooperation without violent acts by the Indians in South Africa.
  • Arrested

    Gandhi is arrested and sentenced to only 2 months in prision.
  • Arrested again

    Arrested again
    Gandhi is arrested onece more and senteced to one month in prison.
  • Peacful prostest

    Peacful prostest
    All Indians under Gandhi's leadership decide to peacfully protest about the racist poll tax and marriage laws. The protest continued through the winter.
  • Ending the protests

    Ending the protests
    Gandhi come to an agreement with he Prime Minister of the Transvaal, therefore ending the protests.
  • War

    Gandhi sailed to England. He arrived just as World war one began.
  • Return to India

    Return to India
    Gandhi retured to India on January 9th of 1915
  • A Farm for Gandhi and his People

    A Farm for Gandhi and his People
    Gandhi and his followers found Satyagraha ashram, the farm where Gandhi, his family, and his followers will live.
  • Slaughter

    A Massacre occured Under General Dyer's, contril his British troops slaughtered Gandhi's protesters.
  • Gandhi calls

    Gandhi calls
    Gandhi calls for non-cooaperation throughout India
  • Arrest

    Gandhi rebelled against the british and eventually got arrested. The date of his arrest was March 10th 1922
  • Barboli Protest

    Barboli Protest
    The people of Bardoli protested about high rents using methods of non-cooperation inspired by Gandhi.
  • Salt march

    Salt march
    Gandhi marchs to the sea and makes salt.
  • Going to get Salt

    Going to get Salt
    Gandhi Tell the British that he is going to break the salt law.
  • Arrested for salt

    Arrested for salt
    Gandhi is arrested for breaking the salt laws.
  • Confrence with the british

    Confrence with the british
    Gandhi decides to participate in a confrence with the british.
  • Gandhi calls it off again

    Gandhi calls it off again
    The British made some Demands Gandhi called off the resistance movement and agreed to represent the Congress Party at the Conference in London
  • No trial

    No trial
    Gandhi is arrested for sedition and does not get a trial.
  • Untouchables

    Gandhi fasts for five days in protest of the treatment towards the untouchable.
  • Gandhi's last fast

    Gandhi's last fast
    Gandhi fasted, 12 days later he was shot.
  • Death

    Gandhi's Date of death was 30/01/1948.