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  • Birth

    Gandhi was born in Porbandar, which is near Bombay. His birthday is October 2, 1869
  • Getting Married

    Getting Married
    Gandhi got married when he was only 13 years old. When he was 13, it was 1882.
  • Returning

    Gandhi returned from India. This happened in 1891.
  • South Africa

    South Africa
    Gandhi was unsuccessful in Bombay when he went back. So, he went to South Africa instead.
  • Founding

    He founded the Natal Indian Congress. He did this to “agitate for Indian Rights.”
  • Ambulance Corps

    Ambulance Corps
    He raised an ambulance corps in 1899. This was during the Boer War. After he raised the ambulance corps, he served for the South African Government.
  • Peaceful Revolution

    Peaceful Revolution
    Gandhi started his peaceful revolution. He said that he would go to jail or die before he would listen/obey the anti-Asian law.
  • Becoming A Leader

    Becoming A Leader
    He became the leader in the newly formed political party. This party was called the Indian National Congress.
  • Against Britain

    Against Britain
    He started a “noncooperation campaign” that went against Britain. This had the Indians urging to boycott British goods, government, and courts. It also had them urging to spin their own cotton
  • Imprisonment

    After launching the campaign, he was arrested. He was in jail for 2 years.
  • Assassination

    Gandhi was on his way to go pray in the Delhi when he was killed. He was murdered by a Hindu who was maddened by Gandhi’s efforts to “reconcile the Hindus and Muslims.”