Early Life
Gandhi was born in Western India. His father's name is Karamchand, his mother's name is Putlibai, he had a sibling named Laxmidas (Adams 7) -
Period: to
From Beginning to End
Gandhi was engaged and married to Kasturbai Nakanji. She was the daughter of a Porbandar merchant, they spent a lot of time apat with theri own familes, and grew to love each other. (Adams 8). -
Harial was born first, then came Manilal on 1892. Ramdas was born on 1897, and finally Devadas on 1900.
(Adams 8) -
Study Law
Left wife, son Harilal, and rest of family behind in India and sailed away to England to study law. Wanted to study medicine, had to become a lawyer first.
(Adams 8) -
South African (Boer) War- Argued that Indians, who claimed citizenship in Natal, their duty was to defend it. Brought about ways of readressing wrong things in a more positive way, rather than in a negative way.
("Gandhi, Mohandas Karamchand." Encyclopedia - Britannica Online Encyclopedia. Online School Edition, 2 Dec. 2011. Web. 08 Dec. 2011. http://www.britannica.com/"). -
An ancient Indian form of a protest, involving prayers, fasting, and processions. It was very successful but, it also caused outbreakes of violence across the country.
(Adams 12) -
Major Accomplishment
Gandhi became the dominant figure in politics. He commanded influences that no other poltical India or country leader was able to do. ("Gandhi, Mohandas Karamchand." Encyclopedia - Britannica Online Encyclopedia. Online School Edition, 2 Dec. 2011. Web. 08 Dec. 2011. http://www.britannica.com/"). -
Gandhi becomes the president of the All-Indian Home Rule League. Now, he is officially the unofficial ruler of India.
(Adams 11). -
Gandhi was nominated five times for the Nobel Peace Prize between 1937 and 1948. He never recieved it, because he was to closely related to Indian independence and, not enough world peace. (Adams 101). -
Gandhi was shot while he was on his way to an evening prayer meeting in Delhi. Nathuram Godse shot him, he was a young Hindu fantic. ("Gandhi, Mohandas Karamchand." Encyclopedia - Britannica Online Encyclopedia. Online School Edition, 2 Dec. 2011. Web. 08 Dec. 2011. http://www.britannica.com/"). -
Symbol # 1
Dogs are loyal, generous, protective. Gandhi was very loyal to his religion, was generous with his love, and protected the people when they rebelled. he also has good values, and everything he does is intended for good, he was also very successful.
("Dream Mooods." An Online Guide To Dream Interpretation. Dream Moods Inc., 28 Oct. 2011. Web. 08 Dec. 2011. http://dreammoods.com"). -
Symbol # 2
A hand represents the five basic percecpts of Islam: profession of faith, prayer, pilgrimage, and fasting, and charity. Gandhi stayed true to his faith; he did not eat meat, and stayed away from temtation. He prayed quite a bit and fasted during a rebellion, he also helped lots of people.