Gamification wordle1


  • School Wide Assessment

    School Wide Assessment
    Assessing current student demands and needs based on current trends.
  • Period: to


  • Initial Consultation

    Initial Consultation
    Hire outside company to analyze your results from the initial school wide assessment and gather their input to begin proposal.
  • Begin Proposal Draft

    Begin Proposal Draft
    Begin drafting proposal with administators and consulting firm.
  • School Wide Survey

    School Wide Survey
    Send out school wide survey to students, teachers, and parents about their thoughts and opinions about the idea of gamification in the classroom
  • Final Draft of Implementation plan

    Final Draft of Implementation plan
    Final draft of the implementation draft should be complete in order for it to be presented to the entire staff and faculty.
  • Staff and Faculty Meeting

    Staff and Faculty Meeting
    Introduction of gamebased learning model for the 2016 academic year for all teachers, details will be revealed as to what the time line will be for this implementation.
  • Finalized Plan

    Finalized Plan
    Final draft should be completed
  • Initial rollout of game based classes

    Initial rollout of game based classes
    finalized list of courses that will implement new model should be finalized and be ready for a fall rollout
  • Beta Classes rollout for Fall 2015

    Beta Classes rollout for Fall 2015
    Small classes will begin beta testing new/redesigned curriculums. These courses will be one semester only.
  • Initial Review of beta testing

    Review of class engagment and success of course through peer evaluation and feedback from students.
  • Final Approval of Implementation

    Final approval from parents, teachers, administrators to roll out implementation plan to all classes beginning fall 2016
  • Full implementation of game based learning

    Full roll out of game based learning at a school wide level.