Game Test

By WrathXV
  • Mar 9, 1000

    The Tree Appears - Anethra

    The Tree Appears - Anethra
    Anethra as it would be first called by mortals is a tree which all life flows from and back to. Without Anethra there is no life and which is why it is closely guarded and kept within another realm of exstience from the mortal realm. For if Anthra was destroyed then no new life could come to be and reincarnation itself with be shattered. Though Anethra's roots of influence is everywhere. There is only one true way to get to Anethra. A single gateway that lies within the heart of Death itself.
  • Period: Mar 9, 1000 to


  • Mar 9, 1010

    The Dragon of Death Appears

    The Dragon of Death Appears
    From the first fruit of Anethra were the Titans and the first of those Titan's was Death itself. Taking the form of a Dragon that would be called Roth'Ire by lesser races. The Dragon served two purposes for Anethra. First as the tree's guardian & protector. Second being the balancer and great equalizer for the mortal realm. Any race that became to powerful and threaten all other life on Priela would quickly be brought to its knee's and pushed to near destruction by Roth'Ire.
  • May 20, 1011

    Anethra & Roth'Ire

    The relationship between Anethra and Roth'Ire was the same relationship between Life & Death.
  • Mar 9, 1050

    The Titan's of Earth & Water Appear

    The Titan's of Earth & Water Appear
    The unknown Titan's of Earth and Water appear into the world. From there they sculp the desolate landscape. Filling the deserts with ocean and building mountains into continents. It takes the two Titan's several years to sculp the world into an appropriate stage.
  • Mar 9, 1125

    The First Continents are Formed

  • Mar 9, 1130

    The Old Growth Appears

    The Old Growth Appears
    With the first coninents scultped, The Old Growth is brought into the world. From it plant life quickl spreads throughout the world and the first animals are dropped from the seeds of The Great Tree. With the arrival of the life and The Old Growth. Roth'Ire is awakened and placed on Makaterra as the gate way and guardian of both Makaterra & The World Tree.
  • Mar 9, 1330

    The Anheir Appear

    The Anheir Appear
    The Anhur form their first clans and villages. Soon these villages turn into small cities. The race is mostly uncontested as they spread and grow. Becoming the apex of all around them with their flight and powerful magics. The race lord's itself over all others it comes across. Using the more primitive ones for slave labor. Ones such as the primitive Elven and Dwarven races.
  • Mar 11, 1330

    The Aeron Appear