G324 Production Log

  • Storyboard for Preliminary Project

    Starting of Storyboard
  • Period: to

    Production Log

  • Storyboard for Preliminary Project

    Finshing off the storyboard for Preliminary Project
  • Creating Shot List

    Starting and finishing off Shot list for the Preliminary Project
  • Shooting

    Shooting for the Preliminary Project.
  • Shooting

    we continued shooting for the Preliminary project and finshing it off
  • Evaluation

    Starting off the evaliation
  • Evaluation

    Finsihing off my evaluation
  • Starting my prezi

  • Finshing off Prezi

  • What's horror?

    When researching horror,i decided that the best way to get collect all the infomation i needed to understand the task that was given i done this by using Spicynodes. With the infomation i had made it easier to get all the research into one place when i came to knowing what i wanted my horror film and initail ideas to be about.
  • Inital Ideas- Wall Wisher

    wall wisher was the website that i used to plan my intial idea for a horror. using different catorgeries i then used the rough ideas that i had for a horror, using what is horror?, and then i could decide what i wanted my idea for my firts draft of my horror to be about.
  • horror production logo

    Researching logos for different logo companies, helped me decide what typr of logo to have and what a logo did for my company and for my film.
  • title sequence

    i ananlysised silent hill,this is sowe had an understanding of how our film title sequences would look to make them look more professional.
  • Weebly

    Improving Weebly pages