G. Marconi

By brdion
  • Birth

    Guglielmo Marconi was born in Bologna Italy on April 25 1874.
  • Public Telephones

    Public Telephones
    This was when the first public telephones were released all of the US. They were set up in big cites to small rural area. They would be anywhere that you could think of. This was an amazing achievement to the US
  • Japan

    A devastating earthquake in Japan killed roughly 10,000. One of the worst natural disasters in world history. This will go down as the worst earthquakes in histroy
  • Experimenting

    While Marconi was in college at Livorno Technical Institute. Was basically the first time he started using radio waves. He wanted to find a way to do basic communication in a short distance. After experimenting for a couple of months he finally found a way to do short and basic communication.
  • Basic Communication

    Basic Communication
    While Marconi was studying at his school he wanted to perfect his learning of basic communication so as he studied basic communication he thought to himself if i can perfect the simple skills I will be able to go as far as wireless technology. At this time scientist didn't even believe that this was possible.
  • Wireless technology

    Wireless technology
    After Marconi perfected basic communication,he was determined find a simple way for wireless technology. Marconi found a way of wireless communication by using radio signals and sound waves to transport the words to the receiver on the other end. His first attempt was just about a mile long. Marconi just did something that not even scientist believed was possible.
  • Patent

    Marconi granted his first patent for his system of wireless technology. Since he did this it gives him credit, for the first system of wireless technology. Also at this time Marconi wasn't in and form of competition.
  • Titanic

    One of the most famous ships to ever set sail in the Atlantic Ocean, the Titanic was halfway done with its trip it hit an iceberg. The only way to send a single was through Marconi's wireless singles. The crew members on board gave it a shot and it actually worked.
  • Company

    Marconi founded the telegraph company it was the first ever wireless company founded. This allowed people to communicate over a long distance much quicker then for example writing letters. After this everyone in the world knew Marconi's name
  • Ford

    Henry Ford founded the Ford Motor Company. Which will go down as one of the most famous car companies in history. This car company will even go on in our lifetimes.
  • Nobel Peace

    Nobel Peace
    Marconi won the Nobel peace prize for his accomplishments with his company and the wireless communication for long distances. When Marconi accepted this award so many more people started recognizing him for his amazing work nationwide
  • West Indies

    West Indies
    The U.S.A purchased the West Indies for around 25 million dollars. They made so much money from this purchase because its paradise.
  • World War 1

    World War 1
    After his time as being and inventor he was drafted to serve in world war 1 for the Italian army. Marconi was the average Italian soldier that you can think of he didn't really do anything heroic. Compared to soldiers who gave it all
  • T.V

    The first scheduled T.V Show aired on WG4 in NY, This was the start of broadcasted tv. Forever on n the future. TV Shows have all started because of this reason
  • Gandhi

    India's congress declared that the actions Gandhi was doing were illegal. Gandhi was one of the most influential speakers in the whole country of South Africa. He later became president of South Africa after being released from prison.
  • Death

    Marconi passed away on July 20 1937. For all of his achievements in his life everyone froze the telegraph lines to honor what he has done for this world.