1st year of 1:1 initiative
10th and 11th graders for this school year (16-17) were offered a chrome book and the 9th and 12th graders could BYOD if they would like. (9th and 12th grade classrooms were still equipped with classroom carts to meet their needs). -
Period: to
Palo Alto High School 1:World Initiative
Internet monitoring software installed (Securely)
Internet monitoring software installed on all district issued devices. We have contracted with Securely which will be an opt in service for parents to receive a weekly report on student internet traffic. Our school believes in an open internet policy and this tool will give parents the tools they need to monitor and have conversations with their children. -
Update Mission and Vision
The Palo Alto High School Technology Team will revisit and update the current 5 year plan to extend it to 2023-24. -
Infrastructure upgraded
IT infrastructure upgraded so it can support 4000+ devices on studentwireless. All of our access points will be upgraded and we will be negotiating a new contract with a hardware provider. Our summer upgrade will include replacing all access points. This will be a significant upgrade which will help us with increased internet traffic. -
Incoming 9th and 10th graders offered a device
This will be the 2nd year of our implementation for our 1:World initiative. This coming school year (17-18) incoming 9th and 10th graders will be offered a device to complete the school wide cycle. Any remaining students school wide will be offered a device or BYOD. -
Professional Development announced for the school year
Each year, our district offers many PD opportunities through our online system "My Learning Plan." Teachers are encouraged to sign up for opportunities now and through out the school year. Our technology department has offered sessions on: Google Apps For Education, Smart board classes from beginner to advanced, PBL, Understanding By design, Schoology, Turn It In App on Schoology and many others. -
Focus on 21st century skills/WASC goals
Focus on Digital portfolios, project based learning, OER’s and blended learning. Professional development to focus on these areas. -
Computer Science requirement for graduation
(one semester, pending district support) -
STEM academy planning
Planning future STEM academy (engineering, biomedical sciences, computer science pathways)