Period: to
Continuous update of Technology Infrastructure
Breaking down preconceptions on 21st Century Skills and Classroom Mgmt
Train teachers on building rapport with students and surrendering control of the classroom for innovation. -
21st Century Skills in Learning
Train teachers on 21st Century Skills and Creating a Classroom of Collaboration. -
Period: to
Teachers prepare instruction, connecting District Curriculum with 21st Century Skills
21st Century Peer Trainings
Period: to
Implement Connected Instruction
21st Century Peer Training
All Print Textboks Replaced by Dynamic Electronic Instructional Resources.
These resources are aligned with district curriculum. -
Addtional training on variations of 21st Century Skills and Technology
Period: to
Continue to Update Training Periodically
Ongoing update of skills and application in Instruction. Provide technology mentors for collboration. -
21st Century Peer Training
Teachers Monitor all Student Work with Electronic Data
All students have connected device.
Teachers Make Instructional Decisions Based on Electronic Data