Graduate From SummerSchool
Meet new people and make new friends
Join York XC
I love to run so I think I would love York XC -
Get involved in at least 5 different sports/clubs/activities at york
Get all A's for the whole year
I feel I'm a pretty good student and have been put in good classes this year so I so that's why I'm going to strive for all A's -
Graduate from York
Go to college for Physical Therapy
I like to help people and I think helping people overcome their physical problems would be really fun -
Move to Boston
I went to Boston a few years ago and loved the city and knew I absolutely had to move there -
Own a nice car
I love cars and going fast so I really hope one day I'll have a nice car of my own -
Have my own family
I one day hope I'll be lucky enough to have a nice wife and child