
  • Today

    Taking Early Childhood, History and Spanish classes. I'm 16 and a Junior in high school. I'm going to school to become a preschool teacher.
  • Next Year

    Im a senior now in high school and I'm taking Early Childhood II now. In February of 2024 ill be 18 and i plan on going to Pitt to get my associate degree. with my associate degree i can become a preschool teacher. this summer ill see if i could help out or work at a preschool or daycare center to learn more.
  • 2024

    school has started back up and i'm in Pitt getting my first year done so i can get my associates degree. i'm still helping out and volunteering at local daycare centers whenever at get time and i have a internship at another daycare center with the college
  • 2025

    my second year of college to get my associates degree. ive been on a steady pace. Im 19 now and i just got my own apartment. im thinking about getting a roommate so i wont have to work so hard to pay all the bills. if i get a roommate they could help out on the bills but if i get a roommate they could invade my privacy and what if i dont like them.
  • 2026

    i just graduated from Pitt with my associates degree. im 20 years old now. Im about to start looking around for daycare centers or preschools for me to work at and start looking for ads on whos hiring. i ended up getting a roommate and my roommate is very chill we watch movies on Sundays and party on the weekends. live life while your young.
  • 2026

    After looking for a preschool to work for after months i finally found one. i went in for a interview and they told me they would call me back. 3 days later i got the call telling me i got the job and that i could start next Monday and start off with a fresh week.
  • 2027

    ive been working here for a year now and this first year is very rough. ive been blowing through money like crazy. i barely have money to spend on myself because i have to make sure my side of the bills are paid. christmas is coming up and im sorry but everybody not getting a gift
  • 2028

    i learned from the last year and now im saving my money alot. i also have a weekend job that pays very well. with both checks rolling in and me putting money up i am able to buy the things i want and stay on top of the bills too. soon ill buy a house with all the money i saved up.