Computer technology

Fundamentals of Computer Technology Timeline Project- Joannie D

  • Vaccum tubes

    Vaccum tubes
    John Ambrose Fleming
  • 1st electronic digital computer

    1st electronic  digital computer
    1st electronic digital computer
  • 1st Programmable Computer

    1st Programmable Computer
    Konrad Zuse
  • 1st automatic computing engines

    1st automatic computing engines
    Alan Turing
  • Transistors

    William Shockley, Walter Houser Brattain, and John Bardeen
  • Artificial intelligence

    Artificial intelligence
    John McCarthy
  • Integrated circuits

     Integrated circuits
    Jack Kilby and Robert Noyce
  • The mouse

    The mouse
    Douglas Engelbart and René Sommer
  • Microprocessors

    Marcian Hoff, Federico Faggin, Masatoshi Shima, and Stanley Mazor
  • World wide web

    World wide web
    Tim Berners-Lee and Robert Cailliau
  • Reflection

    I believe this is the most important technology invented, I think this because I use it in my everyday life and it helps me communicate with others.
  • The iphone

    The iphone
    Steve Jobs and his team