fukushima nuclear disaster

  • Tsunami Report

    Tsunami Report
    Tokyo Electric Power Company(TEPCO), submitted a report of a 10.2 M high tsunami that would directly hit the Fukushima Power Plant
  • 9.0 Earthquake

    9.0 Earthquake
    A 9.0 magnitude earthquake hit the coast of Honshu Island. The power plants nuclear reactors were not opperating right. Tepco notified the proper officials
  • Vapor Release

    Vapor Release
    TEPCO confirms they released vapor into the air to release pressure in reactor unit 1.
  • Water Drop

    Water Drop
    Helicopters drop water on the fuel pools of units 3 and 4. They were successfully filled with water and none of the fuel was released.
  • Black Smoke

    Black Smoke
    Black Smoke starts to rise from reactor 3 and workers are again evacuated from the area. High levels of radioactivity have also been found in the drinking water and should not be used for baby formula.
  • Fresh Water

    Fresh Water
    Fresh water is finally available for use instead of using seawater to top the reactor water levels.
  • Still Struggling

    Still Struggling
    Japan is still struggling to keep the water on the reactors to prevent another nuclear meltdown.
  • Another Death

    Another Death
    A third TEPCO employee dies after falling. They suspected it to be from a heart attack and that the employee was exposed to .17 millisieverts of raditaion that day.
  • High Radiation

    High Radiation
    Radiation reading of up to 4000 millisieverts per hour are recorded if the reactor 1 building.
  • Evacuation

    High levels of radid ation have been released and exceeds the legal limit. The government plans to help households in the area to safety because of concern.
  • Cooling Time

    Cooling Time
    The water recycling and decontamination systems are finally both functional. 100% of the recycled water is now being used and no contaminated water is being generated.
  • Sea in Danger!

    Sea in Danger!
    The Japan Atomnic Energy Agency announced 15,000 terabecquerels of radiation have been released into the sea from the power plant.
  • Reactor 1 Complete

    Reactor 1 Complete
    TEPCO reports completion of a cover for reactor 1 it has a built in ventilation system that will filter radioactive material.
  • Lots of Radiation

    Lots of Radiation
    TEPCO announces an estimate of 900,000 terabecquarels for the total amount of radiation relesed from the disaster.
  • Not Enough to Prevent

    Not Enough to Prevent
    TEPCO admits they didnt take enough caution to prevent disasters for fear of lawsuits against its nuclear plants.