Fugitive slave act
in U.S. history statutespassed by congess in 1793and 1850 tha provided for the seizure and return of runaway slaves who escaped from one state into another or into a federal territory. -
Kansas Nebraska Act
The Kansa Nebraska Act of 1854 may have been the single most significant event leading to the Civil War. -
Election of 1860
The 1860 national convention was held in Charleson, South Carolina afer the Demcrates agreed in of slavery.
http://www.ushistory.org/us/32d.asp -
battle of fort sumter
http://www.civilwar.org/battlefields/fort-sumter.htmlOn April 12, 1861 General P.G.T. Beaurgard, in command of the Confederate forces around Charleston Harbor, opened fire on the Union garrison holding Fort Sumeter. http://www.civilwar.org/battlefields/fort-sumter.html -
the monitor vs. the merrimack
Batle of the monitor and merrimack also called battle ofhampon roads in the american civil war engagment a harbour at the mouth of the James River notable as history's first duel beween http://www.britannica.com/EBchecked/topic/389515/Battle-of-the-Monitor-and-Merrimack the beginning of new era of naval warfar. -
Battle of Shiloh
40,000 confederate soldiers under command of Gen. The over powering confederate offensive drove the unprepared federal forces from thier camps and threatened to overwhelm Ulyseses. S Grant's entire command. http://www.tnhistoryforkids.org/places/shiloh -
The Emancipation Proclamation
The document was cound with other proclation s b the Deaparentment of State. From the first day of the Civil war slaves had acted to secure their orn liberty.
http://www.archives.gov/exhibits/featured_documents/emancipation_proclamation/ -
The Battle of Gettsburg
Confederates drove Unon defends through Gettysburg to Cemtery HIll then the next day lee struck the flanks of th e Union line resulting in severe fightin gat Devil's Den. http://www.civilwar.org/battlefields/gettysburg.html -
Surrender at Appomattox
http://www.civilwar.org/battlefields/appomattox-courthouse.htmlHarried mercilessly by Federal troops also Lee headed west eventually. NEarly surrounded by Union troops near the small villages of Appomattox Court house was the location place. -
Thirteen Amendment
http://www.archives.gov/historical-docs/document.html?doc=9&title.raw=13th+Amendment+to+the+U.S.+Constitution%3A+Abolition+of+SlaveryThe 13th Amendment was abolished slavery in the United States and provided that neither slavery nor invvoluntary servitude exvpt as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been convicted