From the Transcontinental Railroad to the Progressivism era

  • Indain removal Act

    supreme court approves it when the cherokee took the act to the court
  • Cherokee Removal Tail of tears

    15000 leave 8000 die
  • Manifest destiny guides whites west to indias

    which were there because thats were ther relocated them
  • Baseball = Democracy

  • Theodore Judah starts a RR in sacramento

  • Theodore Judah wants to built RR in Sierra Nevada

    Big 4 are the only that support "crazy Judah"
  • Origin of species by Charles Darwin

  • Debate on the location of the Railraod.

    north vs south
  • Theodore Judah is excluded from his plan

    goes to NY, looking for new supporters
  • Congress pass found for Transcontinentla Railroad

    Pacific bill
  • Theodore Judah dies of malaira in while crossing Panama

  • Homestead Act

  • Great Sioux Uprising,

  • Period: to

    12 miles of flat RR were made

    bad workers
  • Period: to

    Transcontinental Railroad invades indians lands and kills buffalo

  • Sand Creek Massacre

  • Andrew Johnson becomes president

    after lincon's assessination 3 days earlier the 12th
  • 500 Chinese workers are hired

    'they build the big wall of china"
    later after proving themselfs efficient more where hired and 2/3 of the labor force was chinese
  • 372 treaties with indians were already made

  • Federal Bureau for Blacks

  • Period: to

    Reconstruction of South

  • Period: to

    anti black groups and black codes

  • Andrew Johnson and the Tenure of office act

    EDuard Stanton****
  • Ku Klux Klan foundation

    by Nathan Bedford Forrest
  • 14th Amendment

    defines citizenship
  • Period: to

    10 years war Cuba vs Spain

  • Transcontinental RR is finished

    Both union and central pacific RR companies meet at promotory summit Utah
  • Assimilation programs for indians

    President Grand's Peace Policy
  • Cincinnati Red Stockings

  • 1st college football season

  • Federal Force Act

    to stop anti balck groups
  • Period: to

    economic depression

    led to expulsion of Chinese
  • Indian apropiation act

  • KKK settles for now

  • Custer's last stand. Battle of Little big horn

    Custer vs sitting bull. 200 vs 3000
  • Period: to

    Porfirio Diaz president of Mexico

  • Nez Perce: Chief Joseph

    oregon to idaho
  • Pres Rutherford B Hayes ends reconstruction

  • Jim Crow laws aumentation

  • Chinese Excluison Act

    till 1942 cuz US needed china as allie in WWII
  • Granger Laws

  • Period: to

    investment over sears

  • Santa Calara County vs Southern Pacific Railroad

  • General Allotment Act

    Dawes Act till 1934
  • US leading manifacture in the world

  • Populist Part

  • Wounded Knee Creek Massacre

    actual date
  • Pres candidate James Weaver

  • Booker T Washington

    Separation is ok
  • Cuba Libre and Jose Marti

  • Homer Plessy vs John Ferguson

    separated but equal
    only john marshall harlan saw this being not constitutional
    14th amendment
  • Period: to

    Worse treatment of blacks

  • William Jennings Bryan candidate

  • william mckinley is president

  • gold strike

  • Declaration of war to spain

  • Anexation of Cuba philipines puerto rico and hawaii

  • valeriano weyler deploied to cuba

  • ambassador's Enrique Dupuy de Lôme letter

  • Main is sent to havana in jan explodes in feb

  • Period: to

    150 blacks linched per year in South US

  • Progressivism is born

  • Period: to


  • Cuban constitution allows us to dictate their future

  • Theodore Roosevelt becomes president

  • Money for Panama canal allocated

  • Philippe Bunu-Varilla starts revolution in panama

  • Panama recognized by the US

  • THeodore Roosevelt saves football

  • roosevetl champions hepburn act +1890's Sherman antitrust act

  • Panama canal starts

  • Margaret flees to Europe

  • Margaret returns and charges are droped

  • 18th ammendment

  • 19th ammendment

  • Margaret Sanger foundsAmerican Birthcontrol lague