From the begining to seventh grade, the aw-inspireing story of the life of a Sasquatch...
By Oni Spartan
Good morning world.
It was a dark and stormy morning, the wind billowed against the walls of the biulding, my mother screamed as lighning struck the side of the structure as she struggled to give birth to me, a 6 pound monster, thus i was born. -
Period: to
Timelines, students, pictures, and hassled teachers.
For a couple, months I belive, me and my fellow G.T comrads have spent our time wisely (or at least most of the time) in efforts to complete these timelines all of you veiwers see before you and I'm happy to say that what I've seen looks pretty spectacular. So enjoy everybody and thank you once again for looking at my work. -
fear brews
While I was in the hospital I was diagnosted with jaundice and was forced to stay night and day under large tanning lights called bili lights.
Soon I was almost fully recovered and the nurses began to call me "Ivan the strong" as it took all 3 of them to hold me up and give me a blood test. -
yum, actual food.
I was at my grandparents residence at the time and being only 4 months of age I was busy being breast feed, but i was a curious little one and when i saw the banquet before me that my wonderful parents of my parents had made for, i could'nt resist the rice. -
May God be with you
At Friedens chruch, Geronimo Texas I was baptised and swarmed by relitives and friends alike as they played music and had lovely conversations through out the night, It was a wonderful 5 month birthday. -
Being small and innocent I loved animals of small stature and pronounced my first actual word, DUCK after seeing one (and unfortunatly, dressing like one). -
Free at last!
No longer was i concealed in the walls of the prison known as a "crib" as adults call it and finally I graduated to a big boy bed. -
The big brown shark
Dad had recived the gift of a lifetime, a dog which bonded with us instantly. Her name is Beulah named after a town close to us in Colorado. -
Canoes and big birds
In Fayetteville, Arkansas with my uncle, Jeff, I went on a lovely canoe trip that taught me great patience.
I was rather good for being 3 and on the river for four hours. On the trip I saw leatherback turtles and herons which fascinated me. -
Toddler time
On Tusedays and thursdays from 9:00-ll:30p.m I attended wild adventures for children ages under 3. -
She was born...
Again I found myself at the same sad hospital that I was givin life to. This time I was older, stronger and less orange than before, leaving me on the tip of my toes and prepared for what was comming, or so I had thought. -
All things must pass away.
Alas I found myself looking apoun my old contryside home in Colorado, and as the wind tickled my cheaks a single tear was shead. I turned and headed towards the car and went away for the last time. The change from snow to sweat was especially difficult for me as the snug fire in the fall turned into a devilishly hot, and dryed up landscape were no north wind dared show its face. -
In the summer of 07 I practiced in the arts of fencing, and for a 9 year old, I must say I did pretty well. -
Were the brains came from.
It was third grade when my education blossomed into a flower of beauty and ever since that date my grades have been sky-rocketing but trouble has been aroused as I am finding that 7th graade is proving to be more of a challange than I had been expecting. -
The beauty and the beast
This day in history, on my girlfriend's 10th birthday I gave her the biggest suprise of her life, a more than just pals relationship.
I have loved her ever since and things have been going great until 2011 ( to be continued).... -
That is the sound I could never get rid of when I was practicing my clarinet in the begining, but soon I started to improve, and recently I have become quite the clarinetist. -
The watery strokes
Around this time I joined my best buds in a swimming endeavor that changed my physical conditon tremendously, for the first time I was practicaly buff.
Durring this Time I won several awards for my efforts in water sports and have been a changed squatch ever since. -
The beauty and the beast (continued)
Now were had I left off, Ah yes, why my life is incomplete again!
Well for all you people out there we are still together but she is just in lockheart right now and I miss her more than I ever thought possible. -
The journey of a life time
No not the Amazon, nope not Disney world either, and no were close to Canada it is called football season and its so much more epic than it sounds.
When I started the challange Goodnight had given me I expected to be a complete failure at it but what'da know I made A team tight end and defenseive end and have'nt been happier since my first swim medal!