10,000 BCE
Stone Age
Stone Age men set in Britain. They were hunters and fishers -
Period: 10,000 BCE to
Frome Stone Age to Tudor
4000 BCE
Neolithic immigrants
They arrived during this period and they started to cultivate the land -
2000 BCE
They came from central Europe and set in Britain and Ireland. Celts lived in tribes and they founded the plought. -
55 BCE
Roman attempt
Julius Caesar tried to conquer Britain but he failed -
The Romans
They conquered Britain. Romans built towns and a gigantic wal ----> Hadrian's Wall -
Anglo-Saxon invaders
They arrived in Britain from Germany. They destroyed towns and created 7 kingdoms. -
Normans and Feudal System
William, Duke of Normandy, conquered Britain and was crowned king of England. Normans introduced FEUDAL SYSTEM.
Feudal Sistem → king → barons → knights → peasants -
Magna Charta
This is a document that limited the powers of nobles and since this moment feudalism declined -
Period: 1300 to 1400
Black Death
It was a pestilence that killed lots of people. -
Period: 1337 to 1453
The Hundred Years' War
England against France -
Period: 1455 to 1485
Wars of the Roses
Between York and Lancaster (two important families).
TUDORS won -
Henry VIII and the Protestant Church
He had lots of wives. Pope didn't allow him to devorce so there were a separation between Catholic Church and Protestant Church of England -
Elizabeth I (1558-1603)
Her reign was really glorious: explorations, colonisation and lots of victories.