
From Ireland to America

  • A Long Journey

    A Long Journey
    I want to immigrate to America because, there are job oppurtunities. In Ireland, me and my sister, Cathleen, lived a poor life as farmers. We are moving together for a new start at life. There is land there! In Ireland we don't have any land availabity.
  • Disesase

    Me and Cathleen have finally gotten aboard the ship to America.It's filthy! People that have already boarded are coughing and crowding together. I heard that typhus disease was common for people that took this journey. It's disgusting to think about!
  • New Land, New Home

    New Land, New Home
    Me and Cathleen have finally arrived in America! The long trip was full of sea sickness and disease. Thankfully me and my sister were lucky enough not to catch and disease. When we first stepped off the boat and onto the dock, it took me a minute to get used to not constantly moving. Unfortuanately, a few faces that I had seenm on the ship had died. This is a family I met on the ride. They brought along their children and grandchildren!
  • Job Oppurtunity!

    Job Oppurtunity!
    I still haven't been employed! After so many months pf being here, it gets hard. Although I have been looking at a some papers for a small sewing job. The pay is low, but at least it's income. I can't keep relying on my sister.
  • Pick-pocketers!

    Today when I was walking home after searching for jobs, someone came up to me and asked if I wasnted company on the walk home. Being poliet I agreed and they walked with me. Five minutes into the walk, i looked down to fix the skirt of my dress to find that the strngers hand was reaching for my pocket! I had heard that the Irish had been taken advantage of but I can't believe it was true!
  • The Black Codes

    The Black Codes
    Today, I heard about the black codes. My friend Ivan a black miner, was married to my friend Beth. The acts prevent a black man or women, from marrying a white man or woman. What a horrible act to make..
  • Moving West

    Moving West
    After saving up money, me and Cathleen it was time to start a new adventure! The slum we were staying in becamse hard to live in and people started becoming sick. It's safe to say we landed in San fransisco, California. We we not the only ones that went from the slums. It was nice seeing familiar faces in such an unfimiliar place.
  • Mine Deaths

    Mine Deaths
    Tradgedy struck today. The mines near my house collapsed, taking the lives of my friends and loved ones. Cathleen and I had dear friends that worked therr that day. The mines are unstable but without and income, it was the only option. Many other immagrants that had moved to the west had taken mine and railroad jobs for low income.
  • Employed as a Nanny

    Employed as a Nanny
    Today I got employed! I now work for a wealthy family in the West. I am now the proud nanny of two young children. The families last name is Wilson and I get about $3 as a weekly income. Cathleen and I are now both working and we live together.