¿por qué se iza la bandera de méxico    méxico desconocido

From independent Mexico to the beginning of the Mexican Revolution

  • End of the Mexican war of Independence

    End of the Mexican war of Independence
    The Mexican war for Independence came to an end on September 27, 1821 the date on which the Trigarante Army made its triumphal into Mexico City.
  • Santa Maria-Calatrava Treaty

    Santa Maria-Calatrava Treaty
    The treaty by which Spain officially recognizes the Independence of Mexico, the 'Santa Maria-Calatrava' Treaty, is named after its signatories, Miguel Santa Maria and Jose Maria Calatrava
  • Cakes war

    Cakes war
    War in which the French invaded the national territory for the first time. After Independence, several French citizens residing in Mexico City, including a pastry chef named Remontel, demanded reparations for the damages suffered in 1828, when Mexican officials caused damage to their premises.
  • Santa Anna exiled from Cuba

    Santa Anna exiled from Cuba
    Mariano Paredes, dismisses Santa Anna in 1844 and he has to exile himself in Cuba and decides to return in 1846 in defense of Mexico when the North American troops invaded the territory
  • Annexation of Texas to the US

    Annexation of Texas to the US
    The annexation of Texas to the United States of America took place in December 1845, some 10 years after the Texas War of Independence from Mexico, but it was not recognized by Mexico until 1848 with the conclusion of the American Intervention in Mexico.
  • The US intervention in Mexico

    The US intervention in Mexico
    It was a warlike conflict that confronted Mexico with the United States between the years 1846 and 1848. It began as a result of the expansionist claims of the United States, whose first step was the creation of the Republic of Texas, which separated from the Mexican state from Coahuila and Texas.
  • Battle of Chapultepec

    Battle of Chapultepec
    The war with the United States was divided into three campaigns After the battle of Churubusco, which took place on August 20, 1847, there was a brief period of amnesty that resurfaced with new hostilities, where the North American army occupied the Molino del Rey and Tacubaya, beginning the attack on the Castle of Chapultepec.
  • The Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo

    The Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo
    Brought an official end to the Mexican-American War (1846-1848), it was signed on February 2, 1848, in Guadalupe Hidalgo, a city north of the capital where the Mexican government escaped after the advance of American forces.
  • Confiscation Law

    Confiscation Law
    The Confiscation Law
    Rural and Urban Farms Property of Civil and Ecclesiastical Corporations was approved and decreed on June 25, 1856, during the provisional government of Ignacio Comonfort.
  • Constitution of 1857

    Constitution of 1857
    It was a constitution of liberal ideology drawn up by the author of the Constituent Congress of 1857 during the presidency of Ignacio Comonfort. It was sworn in on February 5, 1857. It established individual guarantees for Mexican citizens, freedom of expression, freedom of assembly, freedom to bear arms.
  • Benito Juárez issues the Law of Nationalization of Ecclesiastical Assets

    Benito Juárez issues the Law of Nationalization of Ecclesiastical Assets
    In Veracruz, President Juárez issues the Law of Nationalization of Ecclesiastical Assets, by which all the properties of the Church pass into the domain of the Nation. By then, the Catholic Church concentrated 52% of the country's real estate.
  • Suspension of payments law

    Suspension of payments law
    It was promulgated on July 17, 1861 in the National Palace by Benito Juárez. The decree established the suspension of payments of the Mexican debt. This decree, in addition to other political, economic and military reasons, was one of the reasons that led to the Second French Intervention in Mexico.
  • London, France, England and Spain Convention

    London, France, England and Spain Convention
    London, France, England and Spain sign a treaty to claim from Mexico, with the armed forces, the debt it owes to these European nations; the event occurs in response to the suspension of payments decreed by President Benito Juárez.
  • The second French intervention in Mexico

    The second French intervention in Mexico
    It was an armed conflict between Mexico and France between 1862 and 1867. It took place after the Mexican government, led by Benito Juárez, announced the suspension of payments on the foreign debt in 1861.
  • Battle of Puebla

    Battle of Puebla
    At 9 a.m. on May 5
    The French command concentrated its effort on the Fort of Guadalupe, for which it launched a first attack at this point. Despite the superiority in armament of Lorencez's forces, they were stopped by the national troops. The French attack on Fort Guadalupe was repeated two more times
  • Maximilian of Habsburg arrives in Mexico

    Maximilian of Habsburg arrives in Mexico
    The Archduke of Austria, Maximilian of Habsburg, disembarks in Veracruz, to whom they offer him the crown of Mexico.
  • The Bank of London, Mexico and South America

    The Bank of London, Mexico and South America
    It was the first foreign bank created in Mexico, being a branch of the English bank The London Bank of Mexico And South America, Ltd. with a capital of two and a half million pesos.
  • Execution of Maximilian of Habsburg and Generals Miramón and Mejía

    Execution of Maximilian of Habsburg and Generals Miramón and Mejía
    He was shot in the Cerro de las Campanas, Querétaro, alongside the conservative Generals Miguel Miramón and Tomás Mejía, which marked the end of the Second Mexican Empire.
  • National Bank of Mexico

    National Bank of Mexico
    In the beginning, the bank acted as an agent of the federal government in the negotiation and contracting of foreign debt; in the collection of tax obligations; and issued paper money, activity concessioned to commercial banks in the absence of an issuing central bank, in addition to capturing public savings and granting financing.
  • Conclusions

    Regina: the wars in Mexico have spanned many years and very important years that have left a lot of mark on the country and continue to be important, because without the revolution or independence it would not be the Mexico that it is now, although there were many deaths in the end. achieved the goal.
    Abraham: In conclusion, each event is important for Mexico because thanks to many of these, Mexico today is an independent country with many more resources.
  • conclusions

    Paola: In conclusion, many things happened that were too important and interesting for all of history, for Mexico and for the whole world and all the different stages that Mexico went through and the world in general to be able to be like at this time, all the wars and deaths that happened. when was the revolution, independence and all the problems in Spain and other countries