Where I'm From
Trey Moore
I’m from the South, where there is sweet tea
and year round baseball. Where we chop for
Freeman, Upton, and Heyward at Turner Field with
Our friends and have a good time. I come from your typical family. Great parents,
Two sisters and your average house hold dog we call
Colby. From growing up with two older divas learning
Way too much about girls from an early age. Having the best
Dad to teach me about baseball and the greatest mother to
Comfort me in times of ne -
JV Baseball freshman year
I was very excited to have made the JV baseball team as a freshman! -
Freshman Summer Baseball
Some of my closest friends from my freshman ECB team in Fort Myers where we finished 3rd place out of 64 teams, and played in the Boston Redsox's minor league stadium at Jet Blue Park -
Sophomore Homecoming
Sophomore year is when I really started to become close with my bestfriends that I still have today. I would have all these guys backs no matter what. -
This year I really became a fishing finatic. I would go out everyday I could just to throw some line in the water. Fishing is still one of my favorite past times. -
I really got into off roading and mudding. this is a picture of my buddies Jeep wrangler when we got it stuck up at sweet water. -
Junior Tailgate
My junior year our grade really came together as a whole to cheer on our team, and our beatfriends as they played varsity football. This is a picture of some of our group at the football tailgate. -
Junior Homecoming
Junior year was one of my more favorite years. I was finally an upper classman! This is a photo of some of my bestfriends on homecoing. -
Going into senior year we had some pretty good times messing around up at our favorite mud spot. This is Preston White weilding a firework shooting it off his crotch. -
This was a memorable moment for me. I caught my first bass over 8lbs. The fish weighed in at 9.12lbs. -
We finally were the big fish in the pond. This is an image of all the Senior guys that I associate with as Ty Cohen reads his pre game speach to all the under classman to pump them up. -
Dodgeball champions!
We won the dodgeball championship as seniors. This is the picture of our team after it all! -
Flag Football
My friends and I started a flag football team where we played at Kenny Askew Park. Here is a team picuture after the first game where we dominated the other team 56-13. -
My senior prom. This was the only prom I have been too, and I was lucky enough to spend the evening with my girlfreind since sophomore year. This is an image of the group we went with. -
Drawing to a close
As our senior year draws to a close, we get warm enough weather to where I can spend the afternoon on the lake with some of my brothers. This is James Arnold wake boarding to kick off summer (Yes he is wearing tighty whitties) this was quite rebilous. -
Where I'm Going
I'm attending Georgia Southern University in the fall, where I plan on joining a fraternity. after my first year in Statesboro I plan on making my way to Colombia, South Carolina. I hope to get accepted into the Univeersity of South Carolina. From there I plan on majoring with a business degree, history degree, and also getting my masters. I hope to get a teaching job out of college and begin my life from there. I would enjoy to become a high school history teacher.