From 1900 to 1939

  • Labour Party

  • New Liberal

  • Labour Exchange (help unemployed people to find a job)

  • The First World War

  • United States didn´t want to enter to the war, they said it war, they said it was an european affair.

  • It made that Astro- Hungarian Empire declars war on Serbia. Russia defends Serbia. Germany delcares war to Rusia and France. England declares war on Germany

  • The Government Forced people to fight

  • The invention of the tank

  • Unites States declared war to Germany

  • When Germans attacked an American´s ships, they declared war to Germany

  • All over Europe and America had a seriuos economic trouble known as "The Great Depression"

  • The British economy started to recover (it´s dependence on Motor Industry)

  • Agencies wich are responsable for searching jobs.

  • It was clear that Germany was preparing to regain it´s position in Europe