
  • Period: to

    Financial Troubles

  • Divided French Society/Financial Troubles 2

    the nobles and clergy lived in luxury. Also with the first and second estate having to pay no taxes the peasants were burdened by taxes on almost everything. Over the years France national debt starts to rise very quickly, which adds to the frustration of the citizens.
  • Divided French Society/Financial Troubles

    France was divided into three estates, which are basically social classes. In the first two estates there were the clergy and nobles. They owned land, were extremely wealthy and didnt have to pay any taxes. Nobles would also hold top government jobs. The third estate was pretty much everyone else in France. At the top there were the lawyers, doctors and profesors. But most of the third estate were peasants. Most of the third estate were extremely poor and struggling to survive while the nobles
  • Louis XVI calls the Estates-General

    With riots over bread, nobles fearful of paying taxes, and France on the edge of bankruptcy, Louis XVI calls the Estates General to Versailles. AT the meeting each estate gives a cahier or notebook listing their problems or ideas. But the estates could not come to an agreement on what they wanted. Soon the third Estate calls themselves the NAtional Assembely. But a few days later the National Assembely find there meeting hall locked and gaurded. This just enraged the third estate.
  • Storming the Bastille

    The Bastille was a symbol to the people of abuse by the Monarchy. And with tempers rising and with Rumors of royal troops were going to be occupying the Capital. More than 800 Parisians were gathered outside the Bastille. THey would soon break through the defenses and killed guards and the commander.
  • Revolt/National Assembly Acts

    In France there was one of the worst famines in memory. Bread was very important to peasants and with prices soaring prices many couldnt buy bread. This along with ploitical crisis creates revolt. Pesants soon stole grain from storehouses, set fire to old manor records and demonstarted there anger. All of this and much more causes the National Assembely Acts, which Nobles voted to end their own privileges. They agreed to give up their special legal status, exemption from taxes and much more.
  • Threats From Abroad

    The King of Prussia and emperor of Austria issued the declaration of Pilnitz. The document says that they will protect the French monarchy. The document might have been a bluff, but in France the revolutionaries took it seiously and got ready for war.
  • Civil War

    The newly elected Legislative Asseembely took office. But failed within a year because of crisis in Paris and abroad. Soon currency value dropped and prices of goods rose rapidly. This caused radicals to take over and push for a republic. They soon declared war on Austria, Prussia, Britain and a few other states. This war lasted on and off from 1792 to 1815.
  • Monarchy is Abolished

    With tensions increasing with the revolution revolutionaries turn to violence. A crowd of citizens stormed the royal palace and killed the King's gaurds. The royal family barely escaped to te Legislative assembly. And soon a citizens attacked prisons that had nobles and priests in them. Radicals then took control of the Assembly. They decided to destroy monarchy and establish a republic, which soon led to the king being executed along with Marie Antoinette.
  • Spread of Nationalism

    Revolution and the war gave French citizens a large sense of national pride and identity. The French people atrended celebrations and party's that celebrated the country and the revolution. People used to be loyal to the King or Queen but with tere being a new government that rallies citizens to defend their nation, this gave them Nationalsim.
  • Robespierre and The Reign of Terror

    Robespierre was a lawyer and politican who rose to the leaderssip of the Commitee of Public Safety. He was very popular with radical groups and believed a "republic of virtue" could only be achieved through terror. Robespierre had created the "Reign of Terror". About 300,000 were arrested and many of them were falsely accused. But witihin a year members of the Convention turned on Robespierre in fear for there own lives. So Robespierre was arrested and executed.
  • Third stage of Revolution

    Moderates created another constitution which set up a 5 man directory and a two-house legislature elected by citizens who own property. Peae was eventually made wih Prussia and Spain, but still continued war with Austria and Great Britian. But soon chaos threated France and politicians turned to Napoleon Bonaparte. The politicians planned to use him to reach thir own goals, but Napolean outsmarted them and became ruler of France.