Chaos in France.
Over these two years, The french were in very serious debt, and were spending half of thier tax income on interest for loans. On top of that, there was a bad harvest in France, Causing the price of bread to soar. This made food too expensive for the poor to afford. So they, rioted. -
The Calling of the Estates General
Louis the 16th was confused and concerned. So he called a meeting of the three estates.. Here they would list ehat was wrong with the country and try to soleve it. Made it nowhere because people deadlocked on votes. -
Destruction of he Bastille
Civilians stormed the Batille after a rumor spread that french soldiars were marching towards paris. Here they got guns and gunpowder. -
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The unfolding of the french revolution
The National Assembly began to take strides forward. When they had gained power, one of the first things they did was take away thier special privelges. As time went on they created a document called The Decleration Of The Rights Of Man. Giving people the right to be free, and thier own individual. On october 5th 6 thousand women walked to Versailles to demand bread from the king. He unhappily agreed and they marched away.The National Assembly decideds to put the church under state control. -
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Outside threats
When the king of Prussia gets news of the revolution in france, they create the declaration of Pilnitz. In this document the monarchs of Austria and Prussia say that they will attack France if they do not stop the revolution. France prepares to fight, they fight on and off with different countries until 1815. -
Radiclas fight for power
The new office took place, but there was still alot of problems including war, econimic problems and starvation. Then the radicals came and began to work thier way into power. Over time, they managed to get the upper hand in the Legeslative assembly. And eagerly started war with Prussia. -
The abolishment of the monarchy
Mobs stormed the palace at which the royal family was held. They managed to kill most of the gaurds. However, the royal family escaped. In a month, citizens attack a prison. THye manage to kill 1,200 criminals. Both those who are believed to be against the revolution, and ordinary prisoners. This helps to put the radicals into power. One of the first things that is requested by the National Convention was to have the king put on trial for betrayal of france. -
The abolishment of the monarchy 2
This practicly a death scentance. King Louis the 16th wasd sent to the gillotine. A month later, his wife the queen was executed the same way. -
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Reign of terror
Robespierre quickly rose to power and had considerable power. He had a large imact on the creation of the terror. Robespierre's theory was that they could not have a healthy, succsesful, and safe country unless those who were guilty of any crimes were gone and out of the picture. So, he initiaed the idea of using the gillotine as a mass weapon. If someone was accused of doing a crime, they would be beheaded. This raged on untill it killed the king, queen, and eventually robespierre. -
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The Third stage of the Revolution
On the 27th July 1794, Robespierre was executed by the gillotine. Immediatly the executions slowed. Afterwards, they began to set up a new government. There would be a two house legislature. This system was an economic failure. There were once again bad bread prices. This government was not working. So people began to look to Napolean Bonaparte. Napolean was a succseful miniltary general. He eventually crowned himself king. -
The start of the spread of Nationalism
After the monarchy was overthrown and a new government was made. The french needed something to be proud of, this became the mere existance of thier country. They began to fight in hte name of france. This idea was infectious as other nations folowed in france's footsteps. The idea of loving oyur country.