french revoulution

  • Jacques Necker

    Jacques Necker
    he was the finance minister of France to King Louis the 16th and was the first to propose a budget. this allowed the public to know just how much the monarchy is spending which was originally secret to the public. He is eventuallly let go of his duties but changed how public records of debt and budget were.
  • Period: to

    french revolution

  • the meeting of the estates general.

    the meeting of the estates general.
    not previously called to meet the third estate was ecstatic with the chance to voice the concerns of their peers. when they eventually did meet the concerns and requests were all told but to each and every one the kind shut them down. In a rage, the third estate left and was going to meet in their lonesome sparking the beginning of the revolution.
  • Formation of the National Assembly

    Formation of the National Assembly
    this was the formation of the leaders from the third estate that was meeting in order to better life in the nation and increase their influential power. To meet behind the king's back it was revolutionary at the time to defile the word of the king and go against his better judgment main ideas behind the F.R. they decided to call themselves the national assembly for they made up over 96 percent of the population.
  • Tennis Court Oath

    Tennis Court Oath
    the tennis court oath was the secretive oath of meeting in the tennis courts at the Palace of Versailles after the obstruction of meeting as the natural assembly in their normal place. This secrecy was kept where the king wasn't allowed to know of this meeting so they could plan on what to do next. this allowed influential powers that affected the revolution to meet.
  • Attack on the Bastille

    Attack on the Bastille
    the attack on the bastille was originally a way for the third estate to acquire munitions and weapons for the upcoming revolution. Unfortunately, when the battle was over there was naught but a few rifles found on the guards and personal so their overall goal was squashed. In the long run, this did however send a message to the king of France about the events that are to come.
  • Women’s March to Versailles

    Women’s March to Versailles
    this was the people's way of keeping an eye on the current ruler at the time so he would not try to flee during the oncoming events. thousands of women marched to Versailles to retrieve the king and queen at the time to bring them to the capital back to Paris. this was all started over the scarcity and high prices of bread during the revolution and demanded the king to start taking more care of the capital than of Versailles.
  • flight to Varennes

    flight to Varennes
    this was the attempt of fleeing the country that king Louis and Marie had tried after realizing all of the turmoil building up in France. Most of the royal family attempted the escape some on different routes but only the king's brother was successful while the reigning monarchs were dragged back to Paris to await their trial. this secured the people's thoughts of abolishing the monarchy after seeing their "ruler" flee after things started going rough in France.
  • Sans-culottes

    these were the many poor people of the third estate most of them radicals and very interested in the revolutionary army. they were most interested in shutting down counter-revolutionary groups. they became militarian partisans because of the harsh conditions under the ancien regime.
  • louis the 16th

    louis the 16th
    he was the king during the french revolution and which eventually led to his own demise. He ends up making a multitude of bad decisions which led to the third estate turning on him dragging him and his wife back to Paris. when he tries to flee he almost escapes but is caught and killed in front of an audience by the guillotine during the reign of terror
  • Execution of Louis XVI

    Execution of Louis XVI
    this was the death of the current ruling monarch during the time and this was after he was deemed as a traitor to his country trying to flee. Louis believes after everything that's happened he forgives those of the crime and pardons the murderers whilst he is getting killed. This issued equal rights under the law to all even the monarch and leaders.
  • Charlotte Corday

    Charlotte Corday
    she was a radical and figurehead of the french revolution. She was the one who was responsible for the assassination of Jean-Paul Marat, the jacobian leader. She was later executed at the guillotine with the assassination and she challenged the belief that woman were always second to men
  • Marie Antionette

    Marie Antionette
    wife of Louis the 16th who was known to have extravagant and expensive parties. Her spouse and herself caused most of the debt in france leading the commmon folk into poverty. she was along with here husband one of the main contributers of the french reveloution.
  • Maximillian Robespierre

    Maximillian Robespierre
    an influential head of the french revolution and was a member of the constitutional assembly. Was one of the first people to actively try to abolish slavery. he is eventually kicked out for trying to set up a dictatorship and was eventually executed at the guilotine
  • Reign of Terror

    Reign of Terror
    this was the bloodiest part of the revolution for the massacre and beheading of most political leaders were very common. in total there were over 17000 people give or take during the span of the reign of terror. this was important because France was able to see that massacring everyone wasn't the solution in fixing the country which led them to a better solution.
  • napoleon bonaparte

    napoleon bonaparte
    Napoleon Bonaparte was a general during the french revolution and led to many successful campaigns. He is later appointed as Emporer of France and goes on campaigns to expand Frances's borders and resources but eventually expends all of Frances's resources and is later removed from the position of Emporer. he is then imposed on self-isolation on an island in exile with 70 or so servants to live the rest of his life.