French Revoltution
Slave Trade Abolished in Britain
The anti-slavery act had begun in Britain by 1783. In 1808, the Parliament passed the Slave Trade Act of 1807, abolishing slave trade, but not actually slavery itself. -
Britain vs. America (Canada)
During the War of 1812, the Americans tried to conquer Canada, but their attempts failed. The United States had the British outnumbered 35-1. They expected an easy victory, which they did not get. -
49th Parallel
After the War of 1812, America and Britain compromised over the border of Canada. They agreed to have the 49th Parallel be the border. -
Greek War of Independence
Through war, the Greeks were freed from the Ottoman Empire. The Greeks won because they had a reason to fight. The majority of them wanted to gain independence one way or another. -
Great Irish Famine
It is also called the Great Hunger. It was a period of time where the Irish suffered from starvation, disease, and immigration. Close to one million people died. -
California Gold Rush
Period of time in which everyone in America was fleeing to California. They drop everything to go look for gold. -
American Civil War
This was the war that occurred after the southern states had broken away from the rest of the country. It was defining moment in American histroy when the North fought the South. -
Abolition of Slavery in America
After the Civil War in America had ended, and the North had won, slavery was abolished. WIth the passing of the 13th Amendment on December 6, 1865, the African Americans were freed. -
Brazil Declared a Republic
Brazil was declared a republic in 1889, but it wasn't actually a true republic. All of the elections were rigged and people were forced to vote for their boss's favorite candidate. This lated until 1930. -
New Zealand Allows Women to Vote
The Elelctoral Bill was signed by Govenor Lord Glasgow in 1893, making New Zealand the first country to allow females to vote. Women were first allowed to vote in the election of November, 1893. -
World War I