Estates General convene at Versailles
The Estate General was the monarch they had in France before the Revolution, which was the representative assembly of the three estates. They came together to draft petitions for change, and to elect their respective delegates. They convened to deal France's financial crisis -
Third Estate declares itself the national assembly
After the Third Estate discovered the royal decree that granted double the representation in traditional voting, the Third Estate representatives refused to accept the new rule and began to meet separately.On June 17, 1789, the Third Estate declared itself National Assembly, and not for the estate but for the people because of their failed attempts at reconciling with the other two estates. -
Oath of the Tennis Court is sworn
The Oath of the Tennis Court was a pledge that was signed early on during the French Revolution. It was an important revolutionary act that showed the belief that political authority came from the nation's people and not the monarchy. Jean-Sylvain Bailly administrated the oath and 576 members of the Third Estate all signed it. However Joseph Martin d'Auch refused to sign it because it insulted the King. -
National Assembly abolishes feudal privileges
Feudal privileges were legal rights and privileges that were most often exploded by the rich and the clergy. On the night of August 4th, 1789 the National Assembly delegates got together and concluded that they would abolish feudal privileges and feudalism all together. -
National Assembly issues Declaration of the Rights of Man
The Declaration of the Rights of Man was a human civil rights document during the French Revolution. The document was very important because it instilled the roles of the people and of the government. It expressed that mankind's natural rights are " liberty, property, security, and resistance to oppression. -
Women march on Versailles and force the royal family to return to Paris
On October 5, 1789 thousands of desperate women marched twelve miles to Versailles to demand action from the King. The women invaded the royal apartments and even went as far as to slaughter some of the guards. They searched for the Queen, Marie Antoinette, and threatened her life. And the only way to calm everyone down was for the King to go move to Paris like they wanted. -
Royal family gets arrested while trying to flee to France
After the Women's March on Versailles, the royal family became virtual prisoners in Paris. Louis XVI was in a lot of emotional distress so he left all important decisions to the Queen. By June they were fed up and decided to a least try escaping Paris. Unfortunately they were caught and then thrown in jail. -
France declares war on Austria
Different revolutionists wanted war because they thought that war would be a good way to unify the country and they wanted to spared ideas of the revolution to other parts of Europe. So on April, 1792 France declared war on Austria. -
Parisian mob attacks the palace and takes Louis XIV prisoner
On August 10,1792, a revolutionary crowd attacked the royal palace at Tuileries, capturing it after heavy fighting with the Swiss Guards. The king and his family fled for their lives to the nearby Legislative Assemble. which suspended the king from all his functions, imprisoned him, and called for a new National Convention to be elected by universal male suffrage. -
France declares war on Britain, Holland, and Spain. Revolts take place in some provincial cities
In February 1793 the National Convention, at war with Austria and Prussia, declared war on Britain, Holland, and Spain as well. Republican France was now at war with almost all of Europe, a great war that would last almost without interruption until 1815. -
Louis XVI is executed
After King Louis XVI was convicted of conspiracy with foreign powers, he was sent to death by the French National Convention. King Louis XVI was executed by a guillotine in the Place de la Revolution in Paris. -
Reign of Terror darkens Paris and the provinces
The reign of terror was a very dark time during the French Revolution. Radicals took control of the revolutionary government. They arrested and executed anyone who they thought would't be loyal to their revolution. -
Napoleon overthrows the Directory and seizes power
In 1799 when he seized power, young General Napoleon Bonaparte was a national hero. The Coup of 18 Brumarie brought General Napoleon Bonaparte to power as First Consul of France and in the view of most historians ended the French Revolution. The bloodless coup overthrew the Directory and replaced it with the French Consulate.