Meeting of The Estates General
The meeting of the the Estates General was when all three estates got together to try to solve the problem of the nation's debt and weakening the power of the king. They would meet and debate on what was best for their country. -
Tennis Court Oath
The Tennis Court Oath was when the 3rd estate was locked out of the Meeting of the Estates General, so they met at a nearby tennis court and formed the National Assembly. The National Assembly fought for equal rights and a voice for each class. -
The Storming of the Bastille
A mob angrily stormed the Bastille Prison. They released all of the prisoners and captured the governor. This marked the beginning of the French Revolution. Bastille Day is now a holiday celebrated in France -
Declaration of Rights
17 articles that inspired the beginning of the French Revolution. It proposed the equality of all men, everybody had freedom of speech and the right to their own opinion and vote. -
March on Versailles
A crowd of women gathered and demanded bread from the king. The king promised the women all of the bread in Versailles, but the National Guard brought him to Paris. -
Reign of Terror
A time period where anybody who didn't support the revolution would be executed. There were about 17,000 executions from September 5th to July 27th. -
The rise of Napoleon and Creation of an Empire
Napoleon was a french military leader who won multiple wars and battles for France. He built a huge empire in Europe. He is still known as one of the greatest leaders of all time. -
Napoleon's Empire Collapses
The empire started to fall in 1806 when France decided to build a blockade. In response, Great Britain decided to build their own stronger blockade. Also in 1812, Napoleon wanted to invade Russia. However, the temperature killed a majority of his army. -
The Congress of Vienna
The congress of Vienna was a meeting between European states trying to decide how to find peace after the French Revolution and the Napoleonic wars. They also were trying to balance power between the states.