French Revolution Timeline

  • Estate General

    The Estate General meeting was held between three estate(The Clergy, Nobility, and commners) of france. In 1789, the King of that time period, King Louis XVI held a estate general meeting for the first time in 175 years.
  • National Assembly

    The National Assembly, formed by the commoners of the third estate after a terrible estate general meeting with the king, the first, and second estate. After the fall of bastile, the national assembly become the government of France.
  • Tennis Court Oth

    The Tennis Court Oath was an oath that was held between the thirdt estate commoners to never seperate themselves from the National Assembly.
  • Fall Of Bastille

    Bastille was a prison on the east side of Paris. Around the time the French revolution was starting, an angry swarm of mobs attacked the prison. The angry mob were commoners from the third estate wanting weapons. This was the spark of the French revolution
  • Constitutional Monarchy

    During the French revolution, the National Assembly demanded the king, Louis XVI to accept the French Constitutional and change the absolute monarchy into a constitutional monarchy
  • French Republic

    The French Republic was the result in the aftermath during this revolution in 1789. Also the complete destruction of the monarchy. The French Republic was later on was established in September 21, 1792.
  • King & Queen Death

    During this time period, The king, Louis XVI did not want to give up his royal powers to the Revolutionary government. He found guilty of treason and was beheaded. Soon later his wife Marie Antoinette was also found guilty of treason and then beheaded as well.
  • Reign of Terror Begins

    The Reign of Terror took place during the French revolution. This time period was a chaotic mess, violence and mass executions. Tens and thousands of people die due to this.
  • Reign of Terror Ends

    September 5th was when the reign of terror began. Robespierre was the man that declared the terror to be "the order of the day". The reign of terror ended when Roberspierre was removed from power.
  • Legacy of The french Revoluation

    The French revoluation legacy were liberty democratic rights. These rights were the most important ones to the french people. These rigjhts spread from france to the rest of Europe during the 19th century.