French revolution timeline

By Joe.C
  • Louis XIV is dead

    Louis XIV is dead
    King Louis XIV of France was one of France's greatest rulers but that didn't mean he was the smartest. King Louis XIV constantly at war with other countries causing France to go into debt.
  • The Estates General meet

    The Estates General meet
    With the debt of King Louis XIV still being around when King Louis XVI. King Louis XVI Just like King Louis XIV wasn't very smart and needed away to get rid of his debt. Louis XVI called upon the Estate General which haven't been called upon for 175 years. The Estate General is a meeting of the representatives of the three estates. The reason Louis XVI called the Estate General was to see if he could receive more money so that France would no longer be in debt
  • The National Assembly is made

    The National Assembly is made
    The third estate was out voted by the two other estates on the matter of which estate will be taxed more to bring France out of debt. The third estate rejected the idea because the third estate pays almost all the taxes. The their estate wants the estate general to work where the number of votes from the people count not the representatives but King Louis didn't agree. Louis forced the third estate to leave the assembly room but the third estate decided to hold there meeting in a tennis court.
  • The French people storm the Bastille

    The French people storm the Bastille
    After Louis XVI ordered the French army to surround the tennis court the world of Louis spread to Paris that the King was going to attack the third estate. The people in in Paris panicked but they decided to fight back and gather weapon from the Bastille and storm Versailles. This lead the start of the french revolution.
  • Storming of Versailles

    Storming of Versailles
    After the storming of the Bastille the French people wet to Versailles to get food because all of France was in a time of little crop grow and the people thought that Versailles would have bread and other foods> The French people demanded for the king and queen to surrender Versailles and give the starving people food and the king tried to compile.
  • The Declaration of the Rights of Man is created

    The Declaration of the Rights of Man is created
    The Declaration of the rights of man is a document created during the French revolution to secure the basic rights for every man. The declaration says the each man from birth has a right of Liberty, Property, and Security. This document also that it is guaranteed that each person has a right to equal justice, freedom of speech and freedom of religion.
  • The royal family has tried to escape

    The royal family has tried to escape
    King Louis XVI gathered him his wife and his two children and tried to escape into Austria land because Louis XVI married the daughter of Austria to create peace between France and Austria. The reason the Royal family of France tried to escape is because after the people of France took Versailles Louis XVI and his family were put under house arrest. Louis and his family tried to escape but they were stooped at the border.
  • The Legislative Assembly was created

    The Legislative Assembly was created
    France became a constitutional government and in the development of this constitutional government a new legislative body was created called the Legislative Assembly. The Legislative Assembly is the new Legislative body in Frances new constitutional government. This new body is able to create new laws and either approve or reject declarations of war
  • Death of Frances King

    Death of Frances King
    King Louis XVI was executed by a guillotine on January 21 1793 because Louis had tried to escape with his family to another land multiple times and there was no longer a need for a king
  • Enter Robespierre

    Enter Robespierre
    Robespierre was was the leader of the Jacobin's and they were people who were part of a radical political organization. Robespierre was the new leader of France after King Louis XVI was no longer declared King. Robespierre after trying to destroy France's past created the Committee of Public Safety. This Committee was created to protect the Revolution from people who didn't agree with it's ideals but this committee help start the down fall of the revolution.
  • The Reign of Terror

    The Reign of Terror
    The reign of terror was made by Robespierre. Robespierre was that terror was an easier and swift way to show justice. The enemies according toe Robespierre were other radicals questioning his ideals when he became ruler of France. In the terror more than 40,000 people were executed and most of those people were the people the revolution were supposed to help.
  • Death of Robespierre

    Death of Robespierre
    After the reign of terror was over the French people wanted to put Robespierre to death for all of the hardships he caused on the people. On July 28 1794 Robespierre was executed by the guillotine
  • A new Government in France

    A new Government in France
    After the execution of Robespierre the people for France wanted to keep a constitutional government but they need ed to change it so that no one like Robespierre could rule France so France became a democracy