French Revolution Timeline

  • Meeting of representatives of the Three Estates

    After the costly wars, King Louis XVI meets with the estates general assembly to discuss raising taxes.
  • Period: to

    National assembly government

    Revolutionary Government led by the Third estate
  • Tennis Court Oath

    Tennis Court Oath
    The national assembly decides not to disband until they have a written constitution.
  • Paris Mob

    Paris Mob
    The city of Bastille is raided and taken over by Paris Residents.
  • Period: to

    Great Fear

    Peasants attack noble manors
  • Jacobin Club Formation

    Jacobin Club Formation
    National Assembly Nobles discuss feudal rights and the Jacobin Club is formed
  • Assembly issues

    Issues are discussed over the Declaration of the rights of Man.
  • Period: to

    King Louis is moved

    King Louis is transported from Versailles to Tuileries palace in Paris
  • Period: to

    The king flees

    King louis flees to Austria and is caught in Varennes
  • Period: to

    Legislative Assembly government

    constitutional government led by elected officials
  • Paris Mob storms Royals Palace

    A Paris mob storms the royale palace and the legislative assembly government collapses. Thousands of presumed traitors are killed by Minister of justice Danton.
  • Period: to

    National Convention Government

    elected by universal male suffrage to rewrite constitution
  • France is declared a republic

    The New Government abolishes monarchy and France is declared a republic
  • Revolutionary Calendar

    Revolutionary Calendar
    The new revolutionary with new days and months is introduced
  • Execution of the King

    Execution of the King
    King louis is condemned and executed by the National Convention
  • Counter-Revolutionary revolt

    Counter-Revolutionary revolt in the vendee region begins.
  • "Reign of Terror" begins

    "Reign of Terror" by committee of Public Saftey begins
  • Period: to

    Price controls are put into place

    the government puts price controls into place as well as the dechristianization administrative reform.
  • Execution of Robespierre

    Execution of Robespierre
    The "Reign of Terror" ends after Robespierre is executed in the month of "Thermidor"
  • The reopening of the Churches

    all churches reopen.
  • Formation of the Directory Government

    Formation of the Directory Government
    A new constitution is adopted forming a new government called the Directory
  • Period: to

    The Directory Government

    Two houses of the new constitution, The council of Ancients and The council of 500
  • Royalists are removed

    The Directory Government removes all that are faithful to the monarchy
  • Napoleon abolishes Directory

    The Directory is abolished by Napoleon and he establishes the Consulate government, this ends the french revolution